Pauline Hanson #fundie

'Put a ban on it': Pauline Hanson calls for Muslim faith to be banned

One Nation leader Pauline Hanson has taken to social media to once again call for the Muslim faith to be banned in Australia.

Those on social media trying to show solidarity with the victims of the London terror attack should instead be ending their posts with #Pray4MuslimBan, according to One Nation leader Pauline Hanson.

Senator Hanson is unhappy with recent comments by London Mayor Sadiq Khan, and wants Australia to “solve the problem” of terrorism by banning the Muslim faith.

"It's amazing that the Muslim Mayor over there has come out and said, 'Oh well terrorist attacks are part and parcel of a big city',” she said.

“People are feeling sorry for these people over there and I've seen the hash tags ‘pray for London’.

“Look I have my own hash tag and you won’t need to be praying for this place, or that place.

"Put a ban on it and then let’s deal with the issues here."



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