Bangkok or bust #sexist #psycho
I literally want to throw all femcels into a vat of acid.
I hate it when femcels complain. All you need to attract a 5+ male is to be healthy in weight, don't eat like a pig. Plenty of 5/10 and 6/10 would love an ugly, skinny woman. OMG how hard is that Meanwhile men will always be eliminated for physcial traits beyond their control. I think you femcels only complain because you all want Chadlites or high tier normies, you don't notice ugly guys, your weight-matches etc.
How to be an attractive foid:
Don't be too fat / don't overeat
Learn to use make up
How to be an attractive man:
Born with symmetrical masculine facial features
Born tall / at the very least 5'10
Born with wide frame
Born with big dick
Born with good hairline
Follow a strict diet
Lift weights 3+ times a week
Have good social skills
Be like by other women and respected by other men
Modern western foids are the most privileged group in the history of the world, and femcels somehow have the audacity to complain about how hard they have it.