BettERtoreigninhell #sexist

"You hate women only because they find you ugly"

"Only"? Jfl isn't being considered an undeserving of love biological waste and a monster to be wiped out from the genetic pool enough of a reason?And yet incels are almost ashamed to bring it as a perfectly valid motive and have to elaborate complex socio-economic theories throwing in Jews, feminism, social media, tinder, morals, intelligence and so on. By doing this you are descending on the same level of the people you claim to hate. You enter a discussion to justify and explain your rage and disappointment.

Fuck all this. I throw this shield in the mud and face the opponent with only a giant cursed sword. With me you can't discuss, with me you can't object. Foid is my natural enemy and that is for biological reasons alone. You hate my face? The sole idea of kissing me repulses you? Do you get wet at the idea of sucking the cocks of men I deem inferior but you have the guts to worship while letting me fit alone? Then I fucking HATE YOU. That's the core of my hatred. I don't give a shit if it's your biology. I look only at the result.

My hatred is not an ideology, it is not an idea, it is not an opinion to be "unpacked" by some inferior being on reddit. My hate is passion ,it's fire, it's a venomous and spiteful gut feeling that makes me boil with resentment and vengeful frenzy.

And at the same time it is a cold empty void of despair, an open wound unable to heal. I was forced in this horrible face and cursed with an irreversible destiny were all the love and kindness I could shave give were spat on, humiliated, ridiculed. And it's the same love, not hatred, that turned to the most terrifying form of all hateful feelings : biological misogyny. Yes, from now on we should call it this way to differentiate those who feel how I feel from "ideological" misogynists.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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