If the Bible is not true, why is it so universally regarded as the 'Good Book'?
Not so universally really. Muslims, Hindus, atheists, etc. do not believe the bible to be a particularly "good book." It's filled with murder, rape, huge injustices and eternal damnation.
"The Good Book" and "the Gospel Truth" have to be two of the most inapt terms ever used.
Not so universally really. Muslims, Hindus, aheists, etc. do not believe the bible to be a particularly "good book." It's filled with murder, rape, huge injustices and eternal damnation.
"The Good Book" and "the Gospel Truth" have to be two of the most inapt terms ever used.
That's like asking, "If rap isn't musical, why is rap called music?" It's only called that by people who already think of it as such; that doesn't make it "universal" in such an assessment by any means.
~David D.G.
That's a great question Beowulf...
Previous "bad" versions of the bible were known as such because they contained many typos. It wasn't until god bestowed the editors of the 'book' with a word processor and "spell-check"(in all his infinite wisdom) that they were able to produce a "good" version.
I hope we've all learned something today...Because knowledge is power.
> universally < ?
Says who?
There are lots of books known as "good books"
That said, I don't believe in the KJV...it's merely man's translations of God's Words. It was put together by scholars. The true Word of God is the original manuscript...so many things were added to and taken from it.
PS: Don't you dare call yourself Beowulf! You are nowhere near cool enough for that!
Because the "Misogynistic, Homophobic, Racist, Infanticidal, Genocidal, Filicidal, Pestilential Book" is too long of a title.
Universally? Have you asked the Hindus or the Shintoists?
Given all the murders God orders in it, I'd rather call it the Bad Book.
If the bible details human sacrifice, the slaughtering thousands of men, women (including pregnant women), children, infants, and animals, including drowning the entire population of the earth except for a few people and animals, slaughtering entire towns if anyone within is worshipping another god, stoning disobedient children, killing your wife on her father's doorstep if she's not a virgin on your wedding night, beating slaves so badly they're within a day or two of dying, and the slaughter of 42 children by she-bears for making fun of an old guy's bald head, why is it so universally regarded as the "Good Book"?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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