Paul White Gold Eagle #magick #ufo #crackpot

Greetings Cosmic Sovereign Spirit Guides of the Clear Path of Light

Happy powerful New Moon in Gemini. Today on the Mayan Calendar we enter the Galactic Signature of Kin 12 Yellow Crystal Human and Moon 12 the Rabbit Crystal Moon of Cooperation and is another Magic Turtle Day where we become the dreamwalkers and weavers of the New Time of Timelessness. We also have a powerful Trinity Portal of the 3:3:3 today. With these Powerful New Moon energies flowing we had a massive sustained beam of white light appearing on the Schumann charts at amplitudes of 42hz, 43 hz, 45 hz and a big blast of light at 50 hz. Fifth dimensional Gamma Plasma Waves flowing in.

Stay fully awake, present and aware in this Now moment as you hold the tone, keep the light, hold the line as we rise in the honor and glory of our multidimensional luminous golden spheres of influence. We are empowering and inspiring all of our tribe to live from the heart being connected to all things in all timelines, dimensions and realms for the betterment and enhancement of all Life.
It is time to live in both worlds
simultaneously, the one in the many and the many in the one. we maintain our individual consciousness while living in the Oneness of Unity Consciousness. We let go of judgments and limiting belief patterns as we step into our Divine Sovereignty and free ourselves in the Exodus of the fake dream into that which is Real, the Love of the Great Spirit, Wakan Tanka.

Come into the Gnosis that ‘Only Love is Real’ everything else is an illusion.

The acceleration of the evolution of Consciousness is in full swing into the next level and phase of the Great Awakening Process.

We now have the possibility to live Consciously from our Indestructible Diamond Mind of the Awakened One to transmit our Galactic Resonance as Universal Citizens of the New Golden Age of Eternal Bliss Consciousness. this is accessible to all…A’Ho!

and Amen



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