Desh282 & Osipovark #racist #wingnut


I think it's because of Colonialism that made Africans think that way and be more Homophobic. Because look at Afro Countries that were controlled by the French and they don't kill you for being gay.

Some people of color need to love their own people more.

You guys sold and captured your people for guns, gold and alcohol.

Slavs conquered all the people who kept taking them into slavery. (Besides turkey, great powers intervened on their behalf)

Inner cities in america have people of color kill each other at record numbers. When was the last time you heard Slavs in america shoot and kill at least 4 people.

The word n**** is prevalently used by people of color. You guys can’t stop calling each other derogatory word. Imagine if Slavs called each other’s derogatory term in every sentence they say?


That's due to socio economic circumstances. I really don't know how to explain it.

There are some piss-poor eastern european countries with levels of violence much lower than US. Blacks may be poor in US, but eastern europeans are often even worse off, lol.

Nigerian immigrants are top performing in United States. There could be a whole argument about nature versus nurture but Nigerian immigrants prove that America is not racist.


But the Jim Crow Laws man. Redlining. Housing Segregation, Drug Laws

Why do "POC" believe that access to european communities is something they are entitled to? The reason huge suburbs even exist is desegregation of cities that soon caused white flight. White people just don't want to live with black people, even liberals.



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