Try living in the arctic and see if you grow fur.
Try living in the desert and see if your body adapts to it.
Try living in a volcano and see if you can withstand being boiled alive.
With your dumb theory I would grow fur, I would be able to withstand heat and withstand being boiled alive.
As someone who was born close to the arctic circle and has a very light skin, I know evolution works because I do not look black like someone living in the equatorial belt does. Why? Because my skin and my ancestors skin slowly over thousands of years adopted to absorb as much of the little sun light we had. So, any white person, is a damn mutant. Are you white?
"With your dumb theory I would grow fur, I would be able to withstand heat and withstand being boiled alive."
That would be magic not evolution.
Actually, with "my" "dumb" theory, your/my distant descendants might be able to adapt to such situations if you/I have at least a small advantage in any of those environments, we survive better than our local conspecifics, we pass this advantage to our offspring, and have more offspring than our local conspecifics.
A plea to all who think this is actually a good argument: Learn how it actually works before you try to argue against it.
You know, humans evolved intelligence(well most of us did) so while your dumbass would be freezing to death I will be nice and comfortable in warm clothing. Or while in a desert, I would be wearing a Camelbak while you would die of thirst. As for the volcano, that's on you buddy. You can test that theory yourself. Post your findings after you're done. As for animals they evolve to their environment. So if an animal was living in a rainforest and it gradually turned into a desert, then the animal would gradually evolve to it's environment. Key word GRADUALLY. You would't just take a penguin and throw it in a desert. That doesn't prove jackshit. Evolution isn't something that happens in the blink of an eye like it does on Pokemon. Go read some biology books. You failed.
No, but what if 2000 people were deposited in the arctic (at least you spelled it right) and the hairier ones were warmer, and survived, so eventually, over many generations they developed fur.
(Anything arctic)
But what if those people who lived in the desert started adapting to reduce water loss and survive dehydration?
But what if we were a species of bacteria that lived in warm water, and we slowly adapted to the high temperatures?
(Strain 121)
Evolution does not work that way! Five minutes research would have told you that. You are on the Internet, use it as a research tool before you spout off.
Try Wikipedia, it will give you a good starting place at least.
No dude that would totally work, not the desert or arctic one mind you, but the volcano one is a real blast, tried it myself once, and I've never been burned since. you should try it, right now. I'll pay for you ticket to Hawaii. seriously you'd love it man. please? I mean it go jump in a volcano...
People live in the arctic ~ they kill animals and wear fur
People live in the desert ~ look up Bedouin
People go into volcano's ~ they wear gear for it
Our brains is what makes us adaptable, well most of us.
Haha, at least he chose himself a proper nick:
(Stroh is german for hay)
Exactly what his head is filled with.
Hmm, this cant be talking about the theory of evolution - as it makes none of those claims - so what can Stroh be talking about?
Tell you what, try living in a volcano and praying to god to save you.
Let me know how it turns out.
*Ackshully*, if you lived in the artic long enough, you'd get comfortable with the cold and start sweating in 70 degree rooms.
And if you lived in a desert you would definitely toughen up to the extreme temperatures.
humans have the ability to change their environment. They build houses, install heating and fans. The houses keep them comfortably warm in winter, cool in summer and the rain and snow off all year. This means that the selective pressure to grow nice thick fur are vastly reduced.
It might be interesting to compare the amount and distribution of body hair between an equitorial group and say eskimos.
volcano is just silly for numans. Bacteria though ? thats a different story.
"Try living in the arctic and see if you grow fur"
I live in the temperate UK, and trust me, you don't want to see me without my clothes. And no, not for the obvious reason. [/perv]
Two words: Robin Williams.
YOU won't grow fur, your species might, if it lives long enough in cold climate. The individuals with thicker body hair will have a greater chance of surviving and having more offspring, which in turn might have even more fur, if both parents had much body hair. And so on and so forth.
There are species that have enough fur to live in the arctic.
There are species that survives in deserts.
There are species that can survive on the rim of volcanoes.
You do know that evolution takes hundreds, even thousands, of generations, right?
Try leaving your trailer park and see if you grow a brain.
No, that won't happen, either.
“Try living in the arctic and see if you grow fur.”
Changes acquired after one’s born, that’s not evolution.
T”ry living in the desert and see if your body adapts to it.”
Changes acquired after one’s born, that’s not evolution.
“Try living in a volcano and see if you can withstand being boiled alive.”
A key part of evolution is living long enough to have offspring. Not likelly in an environment THAT hostile.
“With your dumb theory”
Which you don’t understand. Which makes YOU the dumb one.
“I would grow fur, I would be able to withstand heat and withstand being boiled alive.”
Nope. Nothing in OUR theorysays you’d change. YOUR superstition says God can keep hyou alive in an oven, though.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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