Piotr Rybak #racist everydayantisemitism.com

A hotel in Cesarzowice, Poland, is being investigated by local authorities after a picture emerged of a sign reading “Entry forbidden to Jews, Commies, and all thieves and traitors of Poland”.

The hotel is reportedly owned by far right extremist Piotr Rybak, who was convicted of burning an effigy of a Jew in 2015 and is currently facing jail for having allegedly violated his parole conditions by shouting an antisemitic chant at an Independence Day rally which was organised by far right groups, many attendees of which called for a “Jew free Poland” and a “White Europe”. He is currently under partial house arrest for incitement, having finally being convicted for burning the effigy in 2015, narrowly missing out on jail time.

The Anti-Defamation League have called on Polish prosecutors to take appropriate action against him.



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