Russ Winter #racist #wingnut #conspiracy

There are native non-Jewish people from various races, who were brought up by Mossad since infancy. They are sometimes subjected to MK Ultra methods in Zio prisons. They never experienced life as children, regarding to relating with loving parents (biological or adoptive). Their ‘parents’ were/are Mossad agents, or sayanim.

At some point during their early years, Mossad trafficked them to the target country, where they were embedded surreptitiously into unsuspecting communities as ‘fellow citizens’. The reason that Israel is the de facto sole Superpower in the world – controlling governments, parliament/congress in at least two dozen countries, including in the West – is because no other country can commit the kind of crimes Mossad has committed, in order to achieve global dominance. Stealing babies from their mothers, and raising them as ‘Mossad-slave-agents’, is definitely inspired by Satan himself.
The Syrian government and military was embedded with these native moles. This explains why 300,000 Syrian military folded like a wet noodle before 15,000 insurgents. At critical moments the moles pulled the plug and folded their tents. Ironically there are mass murders and executions now underway targeting members of the SAA.
Before the eruption of the Iraqi civil war in 2006, al-Julani was arrested by American forces and imprisoned for over five years in various facilities, including Abu Ghraib, Camp Bucca, Camp Cropper and al-Tajji prison.

Prisons like this have a long history of torture and mind control procedures.
Upon his release from prison coinciding with the Syrian revolution in 2011, al-Julani crossed into Syria with significant funding and a mandate to expand al-Qaeda’s presence. Where did said funding come from?

After being subjected to torture, isolation and I would suggest Mk Ultra, we are asked to believe the murderous al-Julani vented not against America or Israel- but instead the Muslim Arab world.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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