The tentacles of feminism now reach into every nation and society on Earth. Sexual Trade Union theory explains this through accounting for feminism as a reaction to technological forces openeing the sexual market and lowering the sexual 'price' or SMV of most women. As these technological forces are present in all societies, then feminist Sexual Trade Union will emerge and strengthen everywhere, together with an accompanying growth in global political institutions and international NOGs that are vehicles for the spread of feminism worldwide.
There is nowhere left to run to. There is nowhere left to escape the coming holocaust.
But what if men could escape feminism by creating their own refuges? Perhaps there is the possiblility of an island, or rather, the possibility of creating our own islands?
Seasteading is funded by the tech billionaire Peter Thiel, a libertarian who once expressed this opinion over the historical disaster of granting women the vote :
" Since 1920, the vast increase in welfare beneficiaries and the extension of the franchise to women - two constituencies that are notoriously tough for libertarians - have rendered the notion of "capitalist democracy" into an oxymoron."
Please! Build a big island and move there! Leave us women and normal real men alone!
And I have no price. I am priceless. I am not a car, bub.
Do you realise that you're just repeating the theories of Germaine Greer, a popular feminist writer?
At least be original in your bitter dysfunctional psychosis.
I was going to object to everything this dumbass said, but then I realised he wants to move all the MRAs to an island, to which I can but say:
Go. Go now. Go yesterday, if at all possible. And see if you can convince the radfems to do the same, would you?
"The tentacles of feminism"
Unless you've found some previously unknown "Haiyore! Nyaruko-san"-related hentai anime, I think you'll find that it's the other way round.
In Soviet R'lyeh, female's tentacles rape you . XP X3
...and even in this instance, TAF isn't original about this case of dysfunctional psychosis, as the "Haiyore! Nyaruko-san "-related hentai doujinshi will testify to; as Nyaruko is a Nyarlathotepian (and IS what inspired HP Lovecraft to come up with the Mythos: Nyarlathotep), who can even make tentacles come out of her throat , then you can imagine the rest...!
...but not without taking a serious SAN roll. X3 (CAUTION: Terminal Ear Worm)
"But what if men could escape feminism by creating their own refuges? Perhaps there is the possiblility of an island, or rather, the possibility of creating our own islands?"
"tentacles of feminism"
Okay, thats weird. When I see "tentacles" and women in the same sentance on the internet, it usually doesn't end well for the woman. So, what, is the Antifeminist acusing feminists of worldwide tentacle rape?
"There is nowhere left to run to. There is nowhere left to escape the coming holocaust."
Wow. He actually is. Thats hilarious.
@Goomy pls
Actually it does, it removes their privilege to oppress others.
Of course, they see it as their "right" to oppress others in the first place...
"Sexual Trade Union theory"
And if you do, then your "theory" may be full of sound and fury but it will not signify anything.
I'd like to add more on to the island idea:
- Don't worry about packing too many supplies. You may have heard that surviving on an island is hard, but that's just propaganda from the feminist tentacle monsters; they don't want any male escaping their rule. Really, it's a piece of cake.
-Again, don't arrange for anyone to deliver supplies to you by boat. You won't need them (see above). Additionally, the boats may be infiltrated by feminist double agents who will try to bring you back into their clutches.
-In fact, the risk of feminist infiltration is so high that you really shouldn't bring any women with you to the island. Just figure out how to clone willing female servants once you're there. Without all the feminist vampires holding you back, it should take no time at all!
"technological forces openeing[sic] the sexual market"
You mean Real Dolls, right? Why don't you just say it?
"Perhaps there is the possiblility of an island, or rather, the possibility of creating our own islands?"
Brilliant. Yes. Totally.
And I'm pretty sure the Trade Union of Normal People will contribute a metric fucktonne of money so you can do this. I know I'll send all I can.
The tentacles of feminism now reach into every nation and society on Earth...
AT LAST! Feminist Hentai!
(Uh...maybe I'm forcing a meme. Pathetic. But c'mon! 'Atomic Flamethrowing Vagina' is meme-worthy! It needs to be a FSTDT catchphrase, man! A great way to troll A Wyatt Mann, too!)
Nice word-salad in the beginning, dearie. If women have a SMV, so do men. Women can make their own money now, and need men less than they did in the past. That's what really scares you, isn't it, honey?
Most men that I know are feminists, as they see that men benefit from equality too.
Plus, most normal human beings think that there's more to life than sex and oppression of others.
Let me get this straight; women have the vote, so it's not a democracy anymore? Is that what you're trying soooo very hard to say, dearie?
Capitalist democracy ought to be an oxymoron, I'd say. Democracy is (or rather ought to be) one human, one vote, not one million dollar, one vote.
As a single woman, please, please, please segregate yourselves to islands or seasteads. It will be a near certainty that single women will find only decent men to form a relationship with. Thanks, dude. That takes a lot of pressure off.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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