various commenters #transphobia

>Ask for the literal impossible >Whine on Reddit about how impossible things are impossible. ⚠️KEEP HIM AWAY FROM CHILDREN⚠️

( Re-enacterf )
I have no sympathy for a male who destroys his strength, health, and fertility for a fetish. None. Suck it up there bud

And yeah, he's probably a pedophile, who just wants an excuse to be around children.

( Lipsy )
Maybe someday this dude will identify as a mermaid and will become SUPER dysphoric about not being able to breathe oxygenated water through gills. "Well, I COULD keep breathing through my lungs landgills, but wink wink, we all know why I'd be doing that." And that'd be all he wrote 🧜🏿.

( legopants )
If this was an actual woman who genuinely wanted to be a mother, like the child was the actual focused, fostering or adopting would be fine.

Instead, it's a man who fetishizes something he'll never be able to do and likely gets off when he imagined it breastfeeding

( SamanthaK )
This is how kids go missing and then end up dead.

( Carrots90 )
Dude. Definitely don’t have kids

He doesn’t want kids, which is fine,

he just wants to be pregnant….which is creepy



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