metabuxx #crackpot #sexist

[JFL] I finally figured out why people say "what's inside you is important than what's outside"

You know what's inside you? Your genes. Obviously is more important than anything else.

Consider a Chad who never works out, is a horrendous dresser and has a neck beard. You know what foids will say to him? - "Sweetie, what's inside you is more important than what's outside." And what's inside him? His superior genes. Chad wins.

Now consider a subhuman who always works out, wears well tailored suits and has a great haircut. Foids will say the same thing to him. "Sweetie, what's inside you is more important." And what's inside him? Inferior genes. Subhuman looses.

Society was dropping blackpills since I was a kid and my retarded bluepilled ass thought they were talking about personality. JFL.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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