Since you asked, I'll give a full response. Granted, you'll only understand this on a surface level, just like everything else we tell you, but I now really want to see what your "final solution" will look like. It'll probably be a wonderful singularity of stupid.
First of all, the nick is Dong Ho Xing. You may like or dislike it. In any case use that one. I crack in inventing nicks for anyone.
You invented insulting nicknames for us ("Anus and Mouse", "Sharkslurper"), so I reserve the right to do the same to you, Donghead. Don't like it? Tough. If you can't take it, don't dish it out.
the posts are here to represent my truth-which btw, it is not only mine. Remember this. My attempts to avoid a silly trollish war are typed in this site in various threads. You can read them back. If I were a real troll, I wouldnt spend my precious time here explaining the situation to you. This alone, should make you think.
You still haven't given concrete evidence of "Gabriel" stalking you, which would actually constitute "explaining the situation". Also, if you don't want to be considered a troll, don't barge onto sites posting aggressive screeds designed to offend their userbases.
1)you have been explained quite clearly the problem
2)you have been offered links where to find the evidence you need to dubitate about your 'think pink' silly vision
3)you have been provided Specific names, sharksurfer and zerg (registered users!). The first is acquainted with things only someone who has been spamming on that info site for entire seasons, is able to know. The second is a poster who is present also in the actual, latest thread of that Info Site with his extended nickname. You can check it easily.
4) you didnt do any specific research, which, I agree, might take some time and little effort.
I don't see your desire to help (not me, Im not your friend) fixing a situation which is likely to become unpleasant for the both of us and more, much more.
1. No I haven't. Being ranted at by a mentally ill Italian with unbelievably shoddy English and no brain-to-mouth filter whatsoever does not constitute having anything explained to me.
2. No I haven't. I've been asking you to provide such links myself, but you couldn't give any evidence of Gabriel's presence beyond continuing to insist that various FSTDTers, including yours truly, are the guy in disguise. That's not good enough. If he's supposedly spamming your personal blog, why not give us a link to there and enlighten us all?
3. Sharksurfer's extremely detailed rundown of your identity admittedly reeked of stalking or hacking, but that doesn't make him Gabriel. Zerg is just some guy; No Disinfo is arch-idiot drkresearch's hovel, not yours. He wasn't specifically targeting you at all. And what about me, eh? Wasn't I supposed to be Gabriel's sockpuppet as well?
4. What the hell am I supposed to be researching? The closest thing to research I could do is peruse any evidence you provide for your crazed claims, and as I've stated, you are refusing to budge on that count even though it would be nothing but helpful for you.
5. I know fine well I'm not your friend. As for fixing the situation, the only situation I'm perceiving is the one you caused by kicking up an enormous stink.
Last thing: Destiny is a farce. The ones who build their destiny are often the same ones who claim they are its victims.
...the fuck does this mean, and how is it relevant?