Rod Pickens #fundie
It blows my mind that CREATION isnt empathized in "churches"!
The facts of science can NEVER contradict the bible. Science is a pursuit of truth, the word of God is truth (John 17:7). Therefore, science can never contradict the bible, only validate it. Science fiction, however, contradicts what God's word teaches and always with the intent to deceive (Ephesians 4:14). There is a difference. We should ALWAYS believe the bible over any man made claim that contradicts what scripture teaches. For example, evolution (with the exception of micro evolution, which is merely a variation of kinds of animal and is clearly observed) IS NOT BIBLICAL. God did NOT use evolution to bring man about. Man was created on the 6th day, formed and shaped by God like an artist sculpting clay according to the accuracy of Hebrew text. God did it in less than 24 hours, probably in the evening. There is absolutely no room for any kind of evolutionary ideology in the bible. Entertaining such ideologies is DANGEROUS!! Earth was created in 6 literal days. Six 24 hour periods including evening and morning exactly like the bible teaches. We must love the truth more than anything else. If not, we are susceptible to error and deception (Revelation 12:9)
Here are some books you can use for study"
"In the Beginning" Walt Brown
"Bones of Contention" Marvin Lubenow
"The Young Earth" John Morris