Valencia P Black #crackpot #conspiracy #racist
This book reveals the history of the Americas from the Black Israelite prospective. The Western Hemisphere was a part of the one great original continent of earth. Then God broke-up the one Hugh brown continent into the western and eastern hemispheres. God separated the two hemispheres by the North and South Atlantic Ocean. Black-Dark-Skinned Israelites lived throughout the lands of the Western Hemisphere and the Hugh Continent of Israel and all of her islands, islets, and caps thousands of years before the white Christian Europeans invaded their islands of the Northern and Southern Atlantic Ocean first on October 12, 1492. Then a few months later, they invaded the Southern and Northern sections of the Huge Continent of Israel, where only Black-Dark-Skinned Brown Tone native Israelites and other non-Israelite tribes of color lived.
Black, dark-skinned, brown tone Israelite, African American, Black Indian or Black Native American children, teenagers, and young adults were and continue to be indoctrinated to worship and sacrifice their unborn babies to the false god of child sacrifice “White Supremacy” or "White Christianity" or Molech. White Supremacy or White Christianity began on October 12, 1492 in the Huge Continent of Israel and in all of her islands, islets, and caps.
This book also reveals that mostly white Christian abortion doctors, abortion clinics, unborn baby body parts packaging, slaughterhouses, and the biotechnology institutes connected with medical schools and clinics make multimillions and multibillions of dollars yearly from preparing specimens for researchers and the researchers from the patented DNA of Black unborn babies and sick Black women’s aggressive immune system’s cells. The wrath of God is here, and Black Israelite adults and their children can still escape God’s judgment if parents and adults act now and stop the abortions.