No one is seeking to "take health care away from the needy". It just is not a function of the civil government to provide it to everyone. True Christians are benevolent to the truly needy in every way. In a nation of opportunity like America, there is no excuse for indemic poverty. Abject poverty is a result of sin and Satan primarily. It can be overcome, not sustained by civil government.
Given that churches are utterly failing to provide healthcare and welfare to the needy, maybe we should let the government take up some of the slack. And as churches do more and there's less endemic poverty, we can scale back the government's contributions.
It's notable that Republican representatives in particular say that health assistance and charity work is the providence of the church despite the evidence they're doing very little for poverty and nothing for health and debt issues.
You've really gotta watch this mentality down there, there's already much taxpayer money being drawn off the public school sector and funneled to Christian organizations and that shits already hit the fan and brownhoused many communities. (Google charter school fraud)
For years they've had many in politics suggesting churchs control community upkeep,welfare and unemployment benefits. It's all about turning major parts of taxpayer money over to churchs, not about providing better or more efficient services.
While they scare you about the Illuminati, feminism, gay rights, imaginary government overreach, the Red scare, Chem-trails, etc ,,,the Dominionists are picking up county after county.
Voluntary charitable action on the part of every individual toward everyone in unbiased and even fashion is a delightful idea. One that I am most certain not even you are naive enough to believe is going to work in lieu of government action amongst the greedy lot bred by capitalist society.
Ooh, I might see what you mean now, though. Are you trying to say that abject poverty is a result of sin and Satan primarily, in that it's the lack of devout sinning and satanic pacts that renders one poor? Now that I could get behind.
True Christians are benevolent to the truly needy in every way.
If that was really the case, the ACA wouldn't be needed.
True Christians are benevolent to the truly needy in every way.
If only we had some True Christians around, instead of all these fundies.
"Abject poverty is a result of sin"
Agreed, since much of the poverty in the US is due to low wages paid by greedy billionares and their corporations. The majority of people on welfare (which you have to be damned poor to qualify for) are WORKING. Is that the opportunity you're talking about?
The rest of the poor are mostly the disabled and elderly, kept in grinding poverty by SSI and Social Security payments that are even less than minimum wage, and which your ilk want to cut further (there's that sin again, you're so right!). Illness and medical bills are our number one cause of bankruptcy. Where's the opportunity for them? And where are the churches that, according to you, are supposed to be paying their bills?
So, true Christians are benevolent to the needy in every way possible, except to provide them the means to pay health care bills? The thing is, if people gave enough to charity, there'd be absolutely no need for government assistance programs. So Christians are dropping the ball and it's the government's job to step in and help people out.
Ah, I see you're going with the "poverty is caused by sin" route of the prosperity gospel. If you're good, God will make you rich. Well, hate to burst your bubble, but I've known many really devout religious people who were awfully poor. And Bill Gates, the richest man in America, is an atheist.
Yeah, nobody wants to take health care away from the needy, except for the Right Wingers who want to take away/block health care from the needy.
So, if we live in a Crustain Nation and True Christians are to help the needy, then why was there a need for health care reform in the first place? Why were there so many people still going without much needed and basic health care? Why were people still dying from treatable diseases? And why do people still go hungry and homeless?
I'm sure that when this great humanitarian True Christian states that they should help the "truly needy" he means the people who are like him and who he deems "worthy" of help should get help. The lazy welfare moochers and those weird ethnic people and heathens need not apply.
Yes, one of the amazing things about the United States is that because we have so many Christians here, and they understand that Jesus required them to give everything to the poor, that we have no poor people here at all as a result.
It's all just ducky here in the U.S.
"Abject poverty is a result of sin and Satan primarily."
Which is why Sweden is so poor, and Uganda is so rich, right?
Teabaggers are most certainly seeking to take healthcare away from the needy. Of course it's a function of the civil government to provide it to everyone! It works well in most of Northern Europe, and it could work well in the US too, if you just removed the greedy (apparently non-True Christian) insurance companies.
" True Christians are benevolent to the truly needy in every way."
That's the problem, right there. You can always excuse any lack of benevolence with explanations that the person wasn't "truly needy", or that the non-helper wasn't a "True Christian", or that they are busy praying for their well-being.
"In a nation of opportunity like America, there is no excuse for indemic poverty"
SO why does America have it ?
Oh! Sin! I see. And in what way is that not an excuse ?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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