various commenters #transphobia

TRAs are desperate

( shewolfoffrance )
The anti-TRA is movement is one of the most ideologically diverse I can think of. The diversity itself isn't proof that we're "on the right side of history." It's evidence that gender ideology is so absurd and dangerous that people up, down, and all around the political landscape can come together to put a stop to it.

It's extremely difficult to think of another issue that would have second wave feminists, conservative Christians, an assortment of burly MMA dudes, concerned middle-aged parents, college athletes, ex-wives of fetishists, and a cohort of medical abuse survivors united in such impassioned agreement.

Seriously, what would it be? Legislation to allow manufactures to use lead in paint and gas again? That's how obvious and important this issue is.

( SummerGrl )
I'm so tired of trans rights activists equating women's rights with Nazism. I'm tired of them assuming all women who speak out for women's rights are conservative. There are so many lies that that TRAs spread. This one needs to be made clear. You know TRAs don't have a leg to stand on when they can't come up with one argument to support themselves and have to resort to calling anyone who disagrees with them a Nazi. It's weak.

( RighteousIndignation )
its just projection accuse others of what they are, the funny thing is it just makes them look more insane to everyone else when they throw words around that sound big like genocide, far right and nazi it shows how unhinged they are.

they know full well they are fighting for a caste system of trans privilege, that we all need to bow down to or else, just look whom it appeals too, spoiled kids whom want the whole world to pander to them like mummy and daddy do and grown ass men who are arrogant abusers.

( amethyst7 )
I don't agree that this is desperation. The opposite: it's white male power and the reverse uno/DARVO.



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