Ukrainian far right Nationalists marched in Kiev on New Years Day to celebrate the birthday of Stepan Bandera, a Nazi collaborator.
As we noted in December 2015 in a report on support for Bandera coming from a Mayor in Ukraine, the Nationalist figure has been gaining popularity.
Bandera led Ukrainian troops who fought alongside the Nazis.
Marchers were filmed chanting “Jews out” in German. Whilst Bandera was admired by some for standing up to Communism and for aspiring to an independent Ukraine after the world, the use of German chants explicitly linking their support of Bandera to his association with the Nazis, and not just as a poorly chosen figurehead for Ukrainian Nationalism, the supporters are clearly throwing their lot in with the Nazis and the slaughter of Europe’s Jews during the Holocaust.
According to Oleksandr Feldman, President of the Ukrainian Jewish Committee and a Ukrainian lawmaker, the Svoboda party who appear to be responsible for the march have often engaged in antisemitic rhetoric.
He also added “I still can’t get over hearing it at the rally in honor of Stepan Bandera’s birthday. I admit, I’m choking up with tears. I love Ukraine, love the Ukrainians”.
I wish this was surprising, but given how prominent the Ukrainian Nazis were during Euromaidan, it really isn't.
@Atrocious Amphibian
Which makes me wonder why you support Russia if they're fighting your fellow Nazis. Those Ukrainians must not be Turkish or Jewish enough for you.
Because Putin fights EU and Globalists. He IS a kleptocrat by himself, but anyone that stops the (((globalists)))
gets a little support from me.
"Which makes me wonder why you support Russia if they're fighting your fellow Nazis. Those Ukrainians must not be Turkish or Jewish enough for you."
Give one instance where I said I was a National Socialist.
here is my test.
You are a: Conservative Anti-Government Nationalist Reactionary
Collectivism score: -50%
Authoritarianism score: -17%
Internationalism score: 0%
Tribalism score: 33%
Liberalism score: -67%
Remember, Russia fights against far right Ukrainians, but is willing to support Russian nationalists and neo-Nazi groups who fight in eastern Ukraine. Not only that, they seek to destabilise a sovereign country in doing so, where the government is not a far right, fascist government. The far right may have some influence in Ukraine, but it's not limited to them, Russia has the issue too and the Russian government is far less respectful of democratic freedoms and sovereignty than the Ukrainian government.
It's ironic that a Trump supporter who wants to make America great again, pushing back at the 'elite' who work against the common man's interests, would sympathise with those who go against the wishes of the average Ukrainian and want to ensure that their democracy remains tied to their interests.
@Atrocious Amphibian
So you don't like Putin for concrete and justifiable reasons, but the knee-jerk hatred you feel towards the Jewish boogeyman overwhelms your sense of reason? Should have guessed as much.
Give one instance where I said I was a National Socialist.
You've described yourself as a fascist on multiple occasions, right down to having "Fashy" in your latest handle. You also have a poor opinion of nonwhite people, and of Jews in particular, who you believe are running a conspiracy to "cuck" the entire world. Seems pretty Nazi to me.
@Yossarian Lives
You're saying this as if the Amphibian gives a shit. Far right whackatoons don't care one iota about consistent ideals - they'll side with anyone who gives them an opportunity to be selfish bullies.
I am not impressed by the quiz you gave. For instance, the questions were not particularly well chosen even by the standards of such testsand there were only three options: "yes", "no" and "maybe",
For what it's worth - not much, in my opinion - according to that test, I am a
Communist Pro-Government World-Federalist Humanist Progressive
Collectivism score: 100%
Authoritarianism score: 33%
Internationalism score: 83%
Tribalism score: -67%
Liberalism score: 50%
Give one instance where I said I was a National Socialist.
What about this crime against poetry about "nazi frogs"?
No, Frogshit, Putin is fighting a government which is democratic enough to tolerate a spectrum of opinion, even including fascists.
Fascists like you.
Marchers were filmed chanting “Jews out” in German.
This was a slogan used by those who viewed you as subhuman rabble to enslave or exterminate.
the use of German chants explicitly linking their support of Bandera to his association with the Nazis, and not just as a poorly chosen figurehead for Ukrainian Nationalism, the supporters are clearly throwing their lot in with the Nazis and the slaughter of Europe’s Jews during the Holocaust.
Your hero was sent to Sachsenhausen by your beloved Nazis when they deemed he wasn't pliant enough after he proclamed the independence of Ukraine, so keep low your pro-Nazi opinions.
"No, Frogshit, Putin is fighting a government which is democratic enough to tolerate a spectrum of opinion, even including fascists.
Fascists like you."
Nice Hydra you got there. Aren't you little fucks rabidly against AfD in Germany? NPD?
Yeah, freedom.
Nothing like banners full of "Hitler, our savior" all over Kyiv.
God forbid, you assholes even side with Nazis if you think it will advance your cause.
You all have no spine, no guts. I am enjoying watching your SJW left cult crumble.
"You're saying this as if the Amphibian gives a shit. Far right whackatoons don't care one iota about consistent ideals - they'll side with anyone who gives them an opportunity to be selfish bullies.
Such as supporting Nazis in Ukraine but not in Germany?
Like you do?
You are all truly miserable.
@Atrocious Amphibian
Man, I forgot how fun it was to watch you make a tool of yourself.
Aren't you little fucks rabidly against AfD in Germany? NPD?
We respect their right to exist and express the opinions they do. We do not have to agree with them, or feel at all pleased whenever they claim a victory - or let them spam their shit on our personal websites.
Such as supporting Nazis in Ukraine but not in Germany?
When did any of us ever say we supported the Ukrainian fascists? We hate them just as much as we hate Putin; seeing them square off against each other is a case of evil versus evil. You seem to have automatically assumed opposing Putin means we support all his other opponents as well, which reeks of what TV Tropes calls Black and White Insanity .
Way to generalise an entire population; do you think Russia is that different? All of this ignores the difference between the more democratically free Ukraine government, which isn't fascist or Hitler admiring, and the more tyrannical Russian government which has violated the sovereignty of Ukraine. It should be noted that the Right Sector, Ukraine's fascist party, scored 0.7% in the 2014 election and Svoboda, a Ukrainian ultranationalist party scored 1.2%. It's not like there's a Hitler loving frenzy that has gripped all Ukrainians.
A disproportionately high number of far right lunatics might be represented in the paramilitaries who fight for Ukraine in Donbass, but it must be remembered that this is because of the militancy of their ideologies. Far right activists tend to be a lot more militant than most, and this certainly shouldn't be used to demonise Ukrainians and excuse Russia's attempts to undermine their country.
Tolerating odious opinions is not agreeing with them, Frogshit. If liberals behaved like your heroes, you'd be dangling from a lamppost by now.
@DDoD: Because he has no life.
@ Pepe
And what is the problem with the EU? I guess your only real beef is that the EU did not let Turkey join.
After all, Turkey has always been trying to suck up either to Russia or European countries. Even during WWII, Turkey got PzIV from Germany but refused to let German troops through to Iraq.
Must be tough knowing you have been sucking us off to get just a bit of our prosperity and then getting refused just at the last moment.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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