YoureMurduringUs & TwinkleTitsGalore #transphobia
Loads of people do detransition, but in typical transcult fashion there's always a massive effort to silence those people in trans spaces. It always goes something like this
"Do many people regret their transition or, choose to detransition? I am only 14 and don't wanna make any stupid decisions and regret it later"
Short answer is no, very few people regret their transition. In fact, a recent study conducted by cute valid trans qween Natalie Wynn determined that only (obviously bullshit number)% of people detransition. You are only 14 and questioning; cis people don't question their gender! You should get on hormone blockers right away!
"Is it really only that few? Surely more people detransition?"
Well ackshually yes the percentage of detransitioners is higher, but many of them are actually still trans and choose to live as their AGAB because sometimes societal transphobia is more crippling than dysphoria. Especially for tucutes like myself, who don't have dysphoria but rather euphoria, and get girlyboners when I wear my ever-so-feminine clothes! Dress go spinny >giggles<
"Ok, so nobody really regrets their transition?"
Teehee now you're getting it, sweetie. Remember; cis boys don't get aroused wearing girlyclothes, better get on those tiddyskittles pronto!!
The other tactic they use to silence detransitioners is the standard "don't share your experience because it's dysphoria triggering!"
”I'm just exploring options”
He acts like he's ordering a burger and deciding which condiments to use.
He’s 14. Kids his age commit suicide thinking how this’ll show them not really realizing that death is final and they won’t be around to see the results of their handiwork. Their brains simply aren’t developed enough to deal with the big issues, mostly because they haven’t experienced anything yet. They think “love” is their junior high crush, because that’s all they know. They have only been alive 12, 13, 14 years so decades mean nothing to them, much less forever.
That’s why puberty blockers/hormones/SRS are so terrible and the adults see: psychopaths who try to steer these -let’s face it- babies toward irreversible procedures are such vile pieces of shit. They had childhoods, they went through puberty, they experienced sex and orgasms. In many cases, a sickening number of them got to experience marriage and had children. Like, who THE FUCK do these creeps think they are, influencing CHILDREN like this?
Ugh. Narcissistic, sociopathic, selfish, porn-addicted, misogynistic fetishists, that’s .
Sorry. Rant over.