"calling Jesus a liar. God said He will make a liar out of you."
Jesus cursed the fig tree (Spite). He overturned the tables of the moneylenders in the Temple - surely that's a display of Anger (a DEADLY Sin!). Thus we, nor anyone else needs to call Jesus a liar - for he calls himself a liar. Being a hypocrite (committing one of the seven deadly sins), therefore a LIAR. Ergo, he (and God, who is also Jesus) must hate themselves and must burn in Hell. QED.
And being spiteful towards a plant? Who in their right mind would do that? As you're so fond of quoting CS Lewis, Churchjerk: "Either this man [Jesus] was, and is, the Son of God: or else a madman or something worse.". Now who would curse a mere plant? That would be like me cursing my computer when it stalled. Only someone insane would (when the sensible & logical thing would be to merely press the 'Reset' button). Only a madman would curse something as non-sentient as a plant for not growing fruit out of season. Certainly not someone who calls himself 'Son of God', nor claim to be so. Therefore we can only come to the conclusion that Jesus isn't the Son of God, and is insane enough to think he is, and claim he is (Two Words: David Icke). And doing something that the true Son of God wouldn't do (the insane act of cursing a fig tree), then thinking/calling himself 'Son of God'? Conclusive proof that not only is he insane, he's a LIAR.
So, to reiterate: "calling Jesus a liar". Like I say, we don't need to. He's doing a perfectly good job of doing so himself. And if you believe in a liar, then that makes YOU a liar too (but then, what else is new?!)Remember: thou shalt not bear false witness. Ergo, that makes you worth less than those you accuse of being liars. QED.
So why not give yourself an infraction, nay, ban yourself from Biblocality Forums, for hypocrisy, and lying? If you don't, then that proves you're an even bigger hypocrite, and therefore a LIAR.
@Doctor Fishcake
Biblocality Forums = Minitrue
Churchjerk = Big Brother
Anyone questioning Churchjerk's insane fundy beliefs one iota = Thoughtcrime
Churchjerk banning anyone for questioning his insane fundy beliefs one iota = Room 101
Churchjerk's insane fundy beliefs = 'WAR IS PEACE. FREEDOM IS SLAVERY. IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH.'
...oh, and one more thing, Churchjerk: