various commenters #wingnut #racist
( @Nature_and_Race )
These creatures are incompatible with White society.
White people suffer from these creatures' presence in our societies.
Until these creatures have been expelled from our countries, there will be no peace or safety for our children.
( @LG8 )
@Nature_and_Race Damn niggers are dumb as rocks. Talking about a job? Nigger you wouldn't work a job if it was handed to you!
( @LvnGD81 )
@Nature_and_Race Videos like this really help to highlight just how primitive these creatures are.
I feel literally zero human bond with these things. There should be no doubt in any White person's mind that we do not belong around each other.
Oil and water.
( @ANGEL1313_ )
@Nature_and_Race Act like an ape, speak like an ape, = Ape Life that can barely complain in English. Way to go thug culture, this is what you produced when you flooded the streets with fast money of drugs, theft and violence, rather than actual intellect. And they wonder why no one bothers to listen. Kanye was right. And no, you are not Kangz. Smdh
( @J3553P1488 )
@Nature_and_Race They’re truly the dumbest creature on this planet… can see why the Jew once white women mixing with these genetic abominations
( @Big_Daddy_CorkUSMC )
@Nature_and_Race They won't give a nigger a job? Yeah right then if they do start working for somebody They steal their fucking shit. Huuurr me? Cuz i gitz mine mutha fucka!! Huuurr me?
( @53tele )
@Nature_and_Race these nigger fucking retards should be shot dead where they stand you hear you hear you hear lol fucking retarded missing links. with these people they would rape and murder your daughter without one ounce of empathy, sympathy, or regret. and that piece of shit Biden just keeps letting more flood the nation, the enemy isn't overseas it is right here the violent criminal niggers and the Government
( @odysseus64 )
@Nature_and_Race Even more proof, (if ever we needed any), that segregation worked. Both in the US and South Africa. Both whites and blacks were better off.