Animal homosexuality is not frequent, and if it existed as some people claim it to be an orientation, each species would soon die out due to lack of procreation. It almost happened to the Romans and will soon happen to various countries around the world, whose populations are shrinking. Homosexuality and abortion are scourges that people bring upon the human race.
The user name screams Poe, but I'm sure real fundies have made the same argument.
They seem to assume that if being gay were accepted and possible that everyone would turn gay. Projecting much?
So homosexuals caused the downfall of the Roman Empire, did they? Never mind the fact that contrary to popular myth homosexuality was generally frowned upon in Roman society, let's blame the gays anyway! It's easier than having to THINK.
Almost happened to the Romans? WTF? Roman civilization ended because Constantine decided that one religion was preferrable to the fighting amongst the different religions and just happened to choose Christiantiy. That is what killed the Roman civilization, not homosexuality. Further, it was Roman ingenuity that brought us some many wonderful things such as indoor plubming and central heating among other things. Mr. Penis, stop thinking with your little head and try using the one three feet above your ass.
Considering the peaceful society of Bonobos, nature shows us even, that free love and tolerance considering homosexuality is a way of creating a society with much less conflicts than we have in the society of humans and other apes.
And everything without any danger of the Bonobos dying out just because of lack of births (well, they´re endangered nevertheless thanks to humans destroying their habitat, but that is not the fault of the Bonobos, but rathr the fault of the humans ;)
"Animal homosexuality is not frequent, and if it existed as some people claim it to be an orientation, each species would soon die out due to lack of procreation."
What's that you say? Evolution will select out homsexuality?
Wrong. Re-writing history to support your opinions is an insult to the Romans.
Homosexuality was practised within the Roman empire and actively encouraged within the Roman republic, it was however, considered appropriate for a member of the Roman elite to be the 'giver' and not the 'receiver' in such sexual acts. In fact, during Julius Caesar's conquest of Gaul his soliders sang of him:
"Caesar may have conquered the Gauls, but Nicomedes conquered Caesar."
(Source = )
Nicomedes being the King of Bithynia, he and Caesar were lovers.
There are literally hundreds of factors which led to the decline of the Roman empire, I am currently studying for a diploma in classical studies, so I have access to quite a bit of information, however please feel free to correct any of my statements.
Less talky-talky Penis and more ready-ready.
The only other guy I've heard of with that name is Penis Van Lesbian, who changed his name to Dick Van Dyke.
It's a joke, Son
Yes....species would die out due to homosexuality. Because we all know that it is common for entire populations to be homosexual.
And, populations are shrinking? Where is this happening? I might want to move there, because everywhere else in the world, THE POPULATION IS LAUNCHING SKYWARD!
"It almost happened to the Romans and will soon happen to various countries around the world, whose populations are shrinking."
Russia and Poland are among the most homophobic countries in Europe and yet their birth rates are extremely low.
Of all the theories flying around for the downfall of the Roman Empire, I've never heard lack of procreation as one of them. The Plague killed off a third of Europe and also drastically reduced the birth rate, yet the human race survived. There probably weren't any fewer homosexuals per capita in those days than there are now.
Uh, can we keep the "Fundie Name" as it actually appears on the site that the quote is taken from? Rather undermines credibility when you make it look like a Troll yourself.
@Jezebel's Evil Sister: Whoever submitted the quote seems to think it was funny to take the actual name of "Denis J. Sweeney" and alter a letter. Instead, it just looks like a Troll, and therefore undeserved quote.
and if it existed as some people claim it to be an orientation, each species would soon die out due to lack of procreation.
Homosexuality is found in nature. But then agian, so is hetrosexuality.
whose populations are shrinking.
Last time I checked there were 7 billion people on this planet, and every country is growing.
Homosexuality and abortion are scourges that people bring upon the human race.
No, that would be religious morons.
I have fixed the name of the fundie, whose name is DENIS.
Folks, this is why it's important to not only proofread your submissions, but to scrupulously avoid editorializing in them; half the commenters have assumed that only a troll would use such a username. They're right -- and he didn't.
Save your snarkiness and your cleverly insulting name-changes for the comment thread; that's what it's there for.
~David D.G.
Animal homosexuality is not frequent
Tell that to my dogs
It almost happened to the Romans
I suggest you read up on the fall of the Roman empire, it was political ineptitude.
Sweetheart, you're a fucking moron.
Some animals (and some humans) are gay. This doesn't mean that the whole fucking species is gay, numbnuts.
That's like saying "Maleness in animals is not frequent, and if it existed as people are saying, each species would die out from lack of females."
Romans didn't die out. They lost an empire, that's different from dying out. And when did they lose the empire? AFTER conversion to Christianity, not before.
And, as for abortion, like homosexuality, it has existed and continues to exist in every society in the history of ever. Numbnuts.
"It almost happened to the Romans....."
Dude, go read Petronius's Satyricon. Go read Martial's epigrams. Go read the transcripts of the graffiti found on the walls of Pompeii. It didn't ALMOST happen to the Romans, it truly happened (in a very robust manner!).
About eight percent of sheep have a permanent gay orentation. If homosexuality were completely acceptabale there would not be an appricable decrease in the birth rate because gays are such a small percent of the population.
Complete acceptence of homosexuality would not cause more people to be gay only so many are born. Straight people cannot become gay... straight people are capible of the behavior but have no intrest in it.
If gayness were completley acceptible there would be th apperance of an increase in the gay population since more people would not keep there gayness a secret. I. The fiftys the percentage o
People that were gay had to had to have been the same as it. But everyone kept it a deeply secret.
There are no more homosexuals now than there were. In the past there are more that dont keep it a secret.
Homosexuality does not spread.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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