But you are not “gay.”
Yes, you may be physically attracted to people of the same sex, but how you act on those attractions is entirely your choice. Who you are—your identity—is not defined by your sexual feelings, temptations or behaviors. The difference between who you are and what you feel or do is as the difference between night and day.
But you are not “straight.”
Yes, you may be physically attracted to people of the opposite sex, but how you act on those attractions is entirely your choice. Who you areyour identityis not defined by your sexual feelings, temptations or behaviors. The difference between who you are and what you feel or do is as the difference between night and day.
Yeah, that makes as much sense... But if you want to play it that way, straight people can't identify as straight, either. And they need to keep that shit in the closet. Nobody needs to know about their opposite sex relationships or their offspring or any of that tawdry mess. Be "who you are."
Having one's cake and eating it!
You have a choice not to engage in sex is what this reduces to. Sure you have a choice. But one's sexuality is an vital building block of one's personality, and denying it its essential espression is, for very many people, a sure road to personality disorder of one kind or another. Not only that, but being told gay sex is 'bad' loads a totally unnecessary burden of guilt as well. No wonder I know so many who killed themselves or who went totally doolally. The listened to people like Matt.
Most likely Barber only has any sort of sexual contact if he thinks it's compliant with an invisible being's desires. His feelings are probably those of a gay by way of recognizing his physical attractions but his identity is probably that of an interfering puritan.
See, Barber's not the only sex expert in town, lowly commentators can be one too.
So ALL sexual orientation is based on what we do? I don't have sex, I haven't even kissed anybody, so does that mean I'm not straight?
Also, typical how he makes no acknowledgement of romantic attraction, because of course Teh Geyz are all about the sex and nothing else.
Let's vote. Is Matt thinking:
(1) I find what you want to do yucky and disgusting therefore you shouldn't do it?
(2) I really want to do what you want to do but I don't want to do it (!?) therefore you shouldn't do it?
(3) Is Matt just a moron who doesn't think?
Personally I vote for (3).
Um Matt, you do realize that this is the worst anti-gay argument I've read. If you're attracted to members of the opposite sex, that makes you gay. It has nothing to do with acting on it. Ted Haggard may have chosen not to act on his homosexual feelings, but that doesn't make him straight.
They're all part of who you are. That's like me saying I'm not "white" I just have a low level of melanin in my skin.
Yes, my identity is not defined by my race, but it's an inexorable part of who I am.
"But you are not “gay.”"
Gay... being attracted to someone of the same sex...
"Yes, you may be physically attracted to people of the same sex"
So, they are gay then... or do you not understand English?
"but how you act on those attractions is entirely your choice."
Doesn't change the fact those attractions are still there, and since Jesus liked to go on about how simply FEELING something was the same as DOING something, it makes no fucking difference how someone acts on those attractions.
You're not very good at following Jesus, are you Matt?
"Who you areyour identityis not defined by your sexual feelings, temptations or behaviors."
Your sexual identity is though...
"The difference between who you are and what you feel or do is as the difference between night and day."
Not according to Jesus... why are you so Anti-Christ Matt?
Ah, the old "It's fine to be gay so long as you never, ever have sex" line. Funny how these people preach absolute celibacy, but never give it a shot themselves.
Actually, Giordano, in the U. S., we'd call you anything from a fruit peddler to a produce marketer, depending on the size and permanency of your stand, but you'd still be a damn greengrocer.
The difference between who you are and what you feel or do is as the difference between night and day.
You are an idiot.
I know, you *feel* as though you're smart and, yes, you can spell correctly, but the difference between who you are and what you feel or do is as the difference between night and day.
Believe me, you're an idiot.
Who you areyour identityis not defined by your sexual feelings, temptations or behaviors.
Not defined, no, but certainly influenced. That's like saying your identity is not defined by your political leanings or your taste in music or your favorite sport. All these these influence your identity and make up the totality of who you are, be it a gay country music fan or a straight baseball fan.
Sorry, Matt. I'm guessing you've probably convinced yourself that even though you find men sexually attractive that you're not gay if you don't have sex with them, but you really need to admit your own sexual preference to yourself. I'm betting you'll be a lot happier in the long run admitting you want to have sex with men instead of blaming gay men for somehow making you attracted to them or just holding onto the idea of "Well as long as I don't actually have sex with men, I'm not gay."
"Yes, you may be physically attracted to people of the same sex, but how you act on those attractions is entirely your choice. Who you areyour identityis not defined by your sexual feelings, temptations or behaviors."
i agree.
now, what's wrong with gay sex again?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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