Eir Ar the Blue Avian via Kate Woodley #ufo #magick #crackpot ascensioncalling.com

Eir Ar, Blue Avian: Yes, we are showing Kate (channeler) a visual of this flare originating from energies that are sourced from your galactic center. This will be where it all begins. And it will be triggered when Earth is in the right position. It is moving through a photon high area of the galaxy now. And when the time is right, when Earth is in the right position, as well as the sun for the sun will be the key domino to fall in the solar system that you all reside in. When the moment is right, this flare will be triggered. This energy will be emitted like a very strong pulse, an intense wave of energy and bright light that originates from your galactic core, or your galactic sun as some of you describe. This will hit and trigger the sun into its flare.

Solar Flare Timelines & Possibilities
At this time, you must all understand that you are still existing and experiencing a few timelines. And so, until these timelines converge, there are a number of possibilities.

-The two possibilities that we will point out is that in one scenario, the flare will be quite intense. And the matter of intensity is directly related to the consciousness of humanity at the time of the flare. Those who are awake will be more attuned in their vibration to receive this energy, and as such, it will be a more blissful, calm experience. Whereas those whose vibration is not yet where it should be, will be jolted and shocked by this energy. This will lead to a time of confusion bewilderment for some.
- The second possibility is that the flare will be more subtle, and that it will be a softer, more subtle experience, but that will nonetheless trigger an awakening. Now the ascension process will be triggered by this flare.



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