Axc8OvGy #dunning-kruger #pratt #racist

CRT is nonsense meant to dehumanize white people. Black Africa debunks every leftard fairy tale as to why blacks are shit in human societies.

>its because they are poor

And Black Africa was always fucking poor

>its because they got no education

School stabbing, gangrapes, and teachers being gangraped, and students who do learn well being attacked are regular occurences in african schools meaning lack of education cant explain their violence

>They were held back by the white man

Income inequality in any African nation is worse than medieval european kingdoms and the black commoner suffers the most under black rule than white rule

>Well uh uh they have no opportunities

You might be right as nepotism is off the charts in Africa but that still doesnt explain their hellish crime rates

>They just need more money

The money goes to the black government it never reachs the commoners so its a waste of time

>Just stop being racist already and agree with me

No use logic and reason or fucking kill yourself



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