Various Commenters #sexist #psycho

RE: "Look Out for ‘Incel’ Behavior, Secret Service Warns in Report Calling Misogynistic Extremism a Rising Threat"


On the day of the shooting, before leaving his hotel with a firearm, he uploaded a song detailing his failed accomplishments in life and a note that read, “If I can’t find one decent female to live with, I will find many indecent females to die with,” the report stated.

If you can't marry a foid in this life, they might as well be your slaves in the after life. Too bad guys like him weren't educated on Kyrgyzstan maxxing, he may have lived 2 decades in pure Bliss with a good teen R🅰pe slave in his basement (in gta 5)

(Bangkok or bust)

"report incel behaviour"

This will just create chaos as it'll just devolve into Lookism against innocent, single men.

Any man that looks "off" will be reported as an inkwell.

Sub-6/7 lonely men are becoming nothing but treated the Jews in nazi Germany.


"report incel behaviour"

This will just create chaos as it'll just devolve into Lookism against innocent, single men.

Any man that looks "off" will be reported as an inkwell.

Sub-6/7 lonely men are becoming nothing but treated the Jews in nazi Germany.

Nah jews didn't receive harsh treatment just some labor with summer camp amenities. We will actually get the cremated alive treatment.

(Xanax Bar)
They are right to be worried, not because of terrorism but because of the shifting mentality towards the government and women. Women were always the tools of the establishment to pacify their male population through marriage and families(a sort of collateral, your stake in society) and without that, their power and control will simply wither away. I am expecting changes in the future, they will crack down hard on social media and dating apps and promote marriage through mass media campaigns and very serious monetary benefits, it's already happening in several countries, like Russia.



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