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Unmasking the Autogynephile (AGP)

We, the sane, know that most men who say they are women will in fact just be AGP. For those unaware of the term, AGP refers to men who are sexually aroused by the thought or image of themselves as women. 🧵 This thread contains horror stories 🚨

For years, especially before gender ideology took hold in the way it has done now, the agp was happy to refer to himself as such and spoke openly with researchers about his desires and depravity. Their were noted links between AGP and other paraphilias - most notably masochism

Another very prevalent paraphilia noted with the AGP male is forced feminisation. This is, partly, the sexual arousal these men experience when thinking of themselves experiencing the oppression the only women experience. A specific oppression that we men don’t experience.

This depravity is sadly only the beginning of their delusions. This next screenshot may upset people so please be aware of that. The AGP revels in the idea of seeing himself as a women and experiencing rape.

AGPs will rarely, practically never, fall in love with other men. Most won’t even actually have sex with other men unless it’s teamed with another paraphilia - like those above. They are straight men, mostly, with fetishes.

AGPs in the past were more than happy to identify as such. But where all they all now? The answer is very simple. They’ve joined the LGBTIQ++++ community and are therefore covered and extended the protections that this group of fools receive.

They’ve cottoned on the fact that if they now say they’re trans they’ll be celebrated, applauded and told how stunning and brave they really are. There is no way, without really serious and clinical exploration, to differentiate between these people - who I believe are a majority

Of people who say they’re ‘trans’ - and the regular joe caught up in this ideology. No man, no matter how well they may articulate their faux oppression, should be extended the protections and language the women have fought so hard for. I hope the above makes clear why.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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