Breninfaith #fundie

The Shemitah having been established by Father God is not to be scorned.
Rabbi Jonathan Cahn is bringing us a message of warning so as to be
prepared to go through some tuff stuff. Yes, I do believe the Shemitah is
tied to the 11 Trillion Stock Market Loss, not that it caused the loss, only it
is a yardstick to measure ourselves in handling our responsibility concerning
our debt, our time to release others from the bondage of debt, and a time
to rest our land for the specified time to allow the soil to replenish itself.
Father God has orchestrated how we should live in His statues to get the
best out of this earthly life. Think about it, if the large corporations would
incorporate the Shemitah into their policy of structure, every seven years
giving clients a release of debt, our country would be out of debt, why?
Because we would be in line with Father God's established Shemitah!
We would be Blessed by Father God, there would be no loss.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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