Phil Greaves #fundie
Star Wars is fascist, Harry Potter is fascist neo-feudal dreck, selfie-obsession is fascist, British soap-operas are fascist, sci-fi is generally fascist, ironic detachment is fascist, porn is fascist. Masscult under imperialism is inherently fascistic. Sorry to spoil your 'fun'.
One day people will ask: "How did Anglo-Americans not see their own fascism?"
And part of the answer will be: "Because they were entertained by it".
Many westerners seem to think their 'entertainments' & their consumption of 'culture' in their own countries is somehow detached from the fascist ruling class they live under, & the ruling class is well aware of this situation.
This does not mean i'm a 'cultural nihilist', far from it. It means the 'culture' of the imperialists is reactionary to the core, particularly its most 'successful' franchises, what progressive part therein is wholly stolen from the oppressed & turned against them.
Me: "The culture of fascist society is fascist culture."
Some yankee teenager: "Are you a virgin??"
"But i like Star Wars and i'm a progressive??" -- Said the yankee teenager as he gorged on his milkshake thickened with the bones of African farmers.
Sorry I forgot: meme/anime as political medium is fascist too.
Is Tolkien fascist? Yes of course, and he made little attempt in hiding it.
Simpsons? Glorification of Amerika, mockery of PoC & the poor: yep, fascist.
Towie? valorisation of brain-dead petty booj Brits, image commodification & booj 'beauty values': yep, fascist.
Im a celeb? Same as above but on colonized land: yep fascist.
The superficial exceptionalizing of fascism, its constant reduction into some minor caricature, some individual politican, some thing of the past or some 'rogue' element of bourgeois society, enables the widespread normalisation of fascism under guise of its alleged annihilation.
Quentin Tarantino: FASCIST.
Hollywood: FASCIST.
"The ruling class control the cinemas?? But but, i reeeaaally enjoyed Full Metal Jacket, that was so cool! So r-r-radical!?? They surely can't control ALL the teevee aswell, can they? I mean The Wire was such a great non-fascist show???"
Lots of youths have seemingly interpreted the above as me saying "Everything is fascism!", because for lots of these unfortunate youths, imperialist-fascist entertainment is their entire 'everything'.
'America' is fascist. A fascist State to be precise. It's political & cultural manifestations are by & large fascist in character. This is only controversial to dumb Americans.
This one will really annoy the Chapo-Fash-Kids.
Frank Herbert: FASCIST.
Common strain among the rabid reaction from the Chapo 'Lefts', the 'Alt-Rights', to 'Meme-Maoists' & the open Nazis is the fact they all loathe fascism being made concrete & relatable to their own lives. They like their fascist culture & they wont be told its anything but Good.
These kids can't "fight fascism" in their own tiny brains, in the mass-cult screen-products they giddily swallow all day, what hope for them of actually fighting anything concrete? Oh they'll share mighty-memes of a Dick Spenser ear-tickle, we're all saved!
This conversation has already been had, no 'gotcha' i'm afriad, sci-fi is prefixed with 'generally fascist', there are exceptions, Soviet cinema being one. Tho i dont personally like any conflation of science & fiction under our banners.