James Gilliland #magick #ufo #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com
I was meditating by the river and was given some very hopeful information. Cazekiel, the merge of Ezekiel of old and Casia, whose soul merged and ascended to the 7th dimension, also known as the God of Eternal Bliss, expressed very clearly Universal Law is coming. That is one of the reasons you are seeing all the ships recently globally, most of which are Pleiadean along with a consortium of others from the high 4th and 5th and 6th dimensions. Beyond that they don’t need a ship there are however beings known as Andromedins that have magnetized light bodies and light ships mythologically known as Archangels.
They said there would be a flow of energies directed by the Pleiades, watch your Sun. There will be a series of solar flares and CMEs, coronal mass ejections following with another big flow by the source of all creation. This is a gift. Use these times wisely.
I was told those who are in fear, harboring guilt, and those who are divisive, the tyrants along with their empires and agencies will not fare well. Many will commit suicide. The fear, shame and guilt will be too much to bear. “I would expect many CEOs, high level leadership that have engaged in some very ungodly activity will be some of the first.” Especially those involved in the vaccines and child trafficking.
I was told to be ready for ten days of darkness. What that means I am not sure. Is it moving into the null zone, a huge solar flare taking down the grid, the white hats and military stepping in temporarily closing things down, I’m not really sure? I would suggest meditating on that to see what it means to you and what you are to do to prepare for it. The old system has to transform or collapse. Your dependency on the old system will determine your fate.