Elysian & WeekendZebra #transphobia ovarit.com

( Elysian )
What are trans rights?
We all know that they have all the rights that other people do, and yet they wish for more rights. When pressed, they are only able to respond that "trans rights are human rights", etc.

In my opinion, they cannot say what they actually want because what they want is not socially acceptable. It needs to be cloaked under the cover of vague "human rights". What they actually want is the following:

To see your 12 year old daughters' naked bodies in changing rooms;
To masturbate in women's lavatories;
To intimidate and cow women;
To have all the attention at all times;
To compel others' speech, respect and deference;
To speak on behalf of women;
To win all competitions;
To rape women in prisons;
To rape women in women's shelters;
To be praised for everything they do;
To be acknowledged as better than women in all things.
I cannot think of any other rights that they do not have that they could possibly be pushing for. Please add where you see fit.

( WeekendZebra )
What I see as universal in their group is the desire to be free from the social consequence of their actions. It reminds me of sovereign citizens, that they believe they can opt out of the rules or laws or social expectations of the world they are born into.

If I am part of the sovereign citizens, I can say that government didn't consult me before building the roads and requiring licenses to drive on them; and so I demand an exemption from being arrested for driving without a license.

If I am part of the gender ideology movement, then universe did not consult me and get my permission before making humans a sexually dimorphic species, and so I demand exemption from all the things that stem from biology.

It's individualism taken to the extreme, where the only rules that apply to you are the ones you make for yourself. Anyone who suggests that it is the broader community who holds the power to make rules or define words is an illegitimate oppressor who is violating your sovereign individual liberties. The idea that we need to take into consideration the other people who are negatively impacted by your behavior, such as other people on the road, or women who don't want to see your penis, that idea needs to be rejected because it restricts your sovereign liberty as an individual.




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