Racheli Reckles #fundie breslev.co.il

Under the guise of progressive, modern living, Planned Parenthood secretly furthered the true agenda of murdering helpless babies in order to keep the lower class in check...


For the last nearly 100 years, the average woman in society has been duped into thinking that Planned Parenthood gives a hoot about her welfare. In reality, this organization makes the Chinese Mafia look compassionate.


Aside from murdering approximately 300,000 babies a year, they have recently been exposed in an undercover investigation selling aborted fetal body parts for lucrative profits. Google away. In the names of "science" and "research," PP has been caught making deals with companies like Senomyx, which contracts with Pepsi-Cola for flavor research. In the name of science and research, your beloved Pepsi-Cola company is exploiting aborted fetal kidneys to see how they react to different flavors and additives.


[Margaret Sanger's] wickedness is compounded when we realize that she has greatly contributed to turning a woman's role in life completely upside-down [...] Can it be any more obvious that society has predictably followed the path that this organization and others like it have laid out? The revelation of Planned Parenthood's true agenda is exactly why we cannot live by society's fleeting and fickle morals, guidelines, and ideals! It is no accident that today's society lives like there is no God! We have been duped, and now it's time for the truth to set us free.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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