Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson predicted Wednesday that 2008 will be a year of violence worldwide and a recession in the United States, followed by a major stock-market crash by 2010.
Sharing what he believes God has told him about the year ahead is an annual tradition for Robertson.
On Wednesday's "700 Club" broadcast, the founder of the Christian Broadcasting Network predicted that evangelism will increase and more people will seek God as the chaos develops. Robertson said, "We will see the presence of angels and we will see an intensification of miracles around the world."
Last year, Robertson predicted that a terrorist act, possibly involving a nuclear weapon, would result in mass killing in the United States. Noting that it hadn't come to pass, Robertson said, "All I can think is that somehow the people of God prayed and God in his mercy spared us."
"All I can think is that somehow the people of God prayed and God in his mercy spared us."
No deal, pat. Your a false prophet.
Evangelism may increase, but I think all the stupid ones have already been hooked, so the success rate will drop.
What, pat's not raking in enough extortion money already?
My prediction is X, god told me so.
When X doesnot happen god changed his mind.
Therefore I am always right.
In Pat Robertson's world, God only was active during the Bronze Age. Now, in our modern godless society, apparently there are people praying to spare the wrath of God. I'm a Christian and I send you a memo:
You fail miserably and now you're trying to cover up.
If he really believes that his god created the entire universe and oversees everything in it, what kind of narcissistic prick is he to think that this great being has nothing better to do than talk to him? He thinks he IS god!
Take Maddox's pedophile test ( ) and tell me that good ol' Pat doesn't fit the description!
Lying, conning, conniving, malicious, obnoxious shit bag.
Even other Fundies think he is a turd.
Now, someone who wasn't stark-raving batshit would've kept his mouth shut after his crazy prediction was proven wrong.
Not Pat. He just keeps pullin' 'em out of his ass and the fundtards believe it.
Dude if god were going to kill hundreds of thousands of people but then let them live if mabe 1/100000th of them prayed to him not to do it, then no-one would die of war plague, or any other cause except old age. Also he's a freakin CONMAN.
Hey Pat, you're in my 2008 Dead Pool!
So please DIAF. Or just die. Whatever, as long as I get the points.
Considering the trends began seven years ago, Robertson just made predictions along the line of "Tomorrow morning the sun will rise."
"We will see the presence of angels and we will see an intensification of miracles around the world."
Why? Never happened before (even in the 1930s), why should these occur now? And how are imaginary beings supposed to help?
{ "We will see the presence of angels }
Oh good. At long last proof of their existence. Will we also get to see some of those human/angel hybrids?
(gemsabarmy- what kind of narcissistic prick is he to think that this great being has nothing better to do than talk to him? He thinks he IS god! )
Maybe he thinks he's George Bush --
God can do anything he wants, including changing his mind.
Wait a minute -- changing... - hey, maybe god IS a woman!
Mean, wretched, spiteful, straight razor totin' woman
All I can think is that somehow
Hang on a smegging minute... Don't these "predictions" come direct from God? So how come God didn't *tell you* why your predictions from last year didn't come true? And why didn't God tell you last year "oh and X would have been going to happen but I will, in My mercy, spare you b/c there will be some many prayers -- so, in fact, forget all about X happening: it won't"?
Yeah. Right. And god told me that he will send a monster to eat your head in one minute, unless he changes his mind because I asked him to change his mind.
(one minute later)
There! Ain't you glad I got him to change his mind!?!
Now give me some money for being so nice to you.
So God was notified of what He was planning to do and in His omnibenevolence, stopped His own plan that was definitely going to happen?
Talk about a rock paradox.
In addition to the usual "Pat Robertson's a moron" explanation, there are three theological explanations, all counter to fundamentalist beliefs:
God told Pat about the future, but then changed His mind and altered the future because people asked Him to.
God deliberately lied to Pat, as He did to Adam and Eve about the fruit.
God can't tell the future without interfering with human free will, so His predictions are worthless.
Wow, "2008 will be a year of violence worldwide".
Srsly? Just like, you know, every single damn year ever? The only difference being the extent and the geographical distribution?
In other predictions: in 2008 the sun will rise in the east and Wednesdays will follow Tuesdays. :-/
As for the rest of this tripe... "God in his mercy spared us"?? "Us?", really? Well, lucky you!! I guess it's going to come as a tremendous relief to the people in Sudan, Iraq, most parts of sub-saharan Africa, and parts of east Asia that God "in his mercy" has "spared" the country that's already the richest in the world. Idiot.
Wow, another false prediction from the King of Doom!
Isn't there something in his own version of the Bible that has something to say about False Prophets?
Why does Pat Robertson think he can make all these future predictions and not be guilty of witchcraft. He isn't 100% right, is he?
False Profit and fake christian, if you ask me.
Next thing you know, he'll be having gay sex in restrooms, playing Dungeons and Dragons, smoking drugs, and reading Harry Potter - and he'll claim that the LORD told him to!
Christians of this Christian Nation need to stand up, vote for Mike Huckabee, and tell Pat Robertson that he better get right with the LORD or face hellfire with all his other witchcraft devil-worshipping faggots (and I say that in the most loving way).
Wow. Just, wow. He reads the papers. Woopadeedodeedo.
Take your meds, Pat
Oooh, and if we get to interact with angels, I want to give birth to a nephlim
The SCARIEST part is that with his connections he could be refering to actual plans going around to ensure this...
Well, the violence is already pretty certain thanks to the freaks in the white house... But I don't think with the economy as it is that it'll make it as far as 2010 before going under...
Ah, the wonders of "I will make a chicken sandwich tomorrow" prophecies...
Here's mine, as proof that *I*, not pat, am the true messiah, and done in proper new testament fashion:
There will be light snow in the late evening of January 3rd 2008 in Montreal.
Fakeass prophet with lameass excuses.
'Noting that it hadn't come to pass, Robertson said, "All I can think is that somehow the people of God prayed and God in his mercy spared us."'
It's a shame there are people dumb enough to believe this.
Still spouting off arrant nonsense? Fine, he can.
But why does a news network (not so much biased as bent, granted) airing that crap? It'll be news when it happens , not when some blowhard asshat with a proven record of failure says its going to happen.
In 2008, near its very start, Pat Robertson will play millions of people for fools yet again, even making one of himself in the process.
Same as every year.
Have you read in Deuteronomy about the fate of false prophets, Pat? You're doomed, man - enjoy burning in the fires of Hell.
Make too many outlandish prophecies and even Fox News might start only referring to you when they're in need of some comic relief.
Please hurry up and die.
Year of violence worldwide... pretty much guarantee that. Recession in the US. What a shock. Thank you, minimum wage increase. Major stock market crash in 2010, well, that one is a bit more specific. We'll see about that.
Oh, and if it doesn't happen it is because prayer stopped it. Groovy.
"All I can think is that somehow the people of God prayed and God in his mercy spared us."
I can think of another explanation and it doesn't involve any supernatural entities: you invented the whole thing yourself.
Occam's Razor, it slices, it dices.
Some wiseass (can't remember who) once said: "In science fiction, good bullshit goes for twenty cents a word. In religion, you can name your own price."
Also, does that smile of Pat's look embalmed or is it just me?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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