"You can have power or you can have love. You cannot have both. You can be my right arm or you can leave."
A woman who really loves a man will accept these terms. (She wants love not power.)This is how marriage takes place.
A man who really loves a woman will accept those terms, too, because marriage is (or should be) a union of equals. Two people support each other. They become each other's right arms (and that's a very poetic way of putting it).
So, "Dr." Makow, if a woman's submission to a man shows that she wants love rather than power, doesn't a man's insistence on dominance show that he wants power rather than love? And why should a woman accept a man who doesn't really love her?
Edit: "Dr." Makow goes on to say:
"As I have said, feminism is designed to destabilize society by coercing women to abandon the feminine role and usurp the male one instead, undermining heterosexuality and the family. Like all aggression, this perverse assault on gender difference is disguised as an act of "defense" (of woman and homosexual rights.) Rockefeller social engineers want women to have careers instead of family, and this is happening in millions of cases.
The ultimate goal is a banker-run totalitarian "New World Order.""
Goddamnit. Why does it always come back to the Jews with these people?
Aside from making snarky comments about how he must still be single? All the guys he seems to have actually talked to are guys without working relationships who are just complaining about how their ex-girlfriends weren't subservient enough.
Or, in one case, how clearly she *wanted* to be, but other people made her leave him.
Uh-huh. Riiiight.
"A woman who really loves a man will accept these terms. (She wants love not power.)This is how marriage takes place."
Now I know where that old saying, "Ph.D. stands for Piled High and Deep" comes from...
And if a man loves his woman he will rather have love then power, and the two enter into an equal union.
Oh wait that's not what you meant is it?
that makes no sense at all.
my own mother breaks that "rule" for fucks sake.
I can't even count how many others too.
From the article: "This is a bright girl in a Pre-Med program yet she had been easily duped to deny her femininity... here she is, stunting her natural development by postponing marriage and children for career."
You damned feminists, DON'T you know that the only role for women in our society is as baby machines? But you know what? I am not worried, because all of you FEMINAZI will end up " nearing the end of you fertility" and with your "unmarried friends sitting around bashing men and complaining about the lack of good men".
I tell ya, we need Misogynists Say The Darndest Things.
Way too many of 'em.
Have fun staying single & in your mothers basement the rest of your life, shit stain.
So for the man..he can have power or he can have love. If he gets married, it isnt about love, its about power.
This is not marriage..it is an enslavement
I second the request for 'Misogynists Say The Darndest Things'. Makow doesn't seem to be much of a fundamentalist, or even a Christian; skimming his website, he seems more of a New Age type conspiracy theorist. His quote doesn't really fit in the religious lunacy category, but still is well worthy of ridicule and contempt :)
What if he wants love and she wants power? Or they both want a little of either, depending on the kind of day they've had? Who are you to tell people how to be? If your fundie women want to submit, they're free to. You don't get to make them do so, however.
And then they wonder why divorce is so common place
I wouldn't marry on those terms, and if I was a woman, bitchslap you for even suggesting those terms
Marriage is supposed to be the uniting of a man and woman so they share eachother's lives
Sorry Henry. The fiancee and I have a healthy relationship where we talk and listen as a team, not as me grunting like a Neanderthal and grabbing her by the wrist.We share the power.
Also about your "women are denying their femininely and turning men off" bit. It's bullshit as well. I didn't want a helpless woman who'd insist that I do every piece of work. She was more than happy to help move the furniture when we moved into our apartment together, just as I'm more than happy to do the cooking. We also share what we have to clean up, sometimes I have to clean the bathrooms, sometimes she does.
It's quite attractive to me to have a woman by my side who is willing to help out with the physical. And it's attractive to her that I am willing to do some so called "feminine" roles like the cooking and cleaning.
"Women were intended to carry children, not pianos."
Well, at least you admit what every misogynist really thinks. Douche.
I don't know what this total donkey thought working class women were doing before 1950: but he should know that women were ploughing etc when the white north America was being built. And women worked during both world wars.
So his idea of femininity was largely a fictitious construct.
You can have power or you can have love. You cannot have both
Why not? Moreover why does that rule apply to women but not to men? How do you justify denying rights to others that you so freely claim yourself?
You can be my right arm or you can leave
Because ultimatums and veiled threats are the cornerstone of a healthy relationship.
A woman who really loves a man will accept these terms
A man who really loves a woman would not ask her to accept such one sided terms.
(She wants love not power.)This is how marriage takes place.
A marriage is a partnership between two people. You don't want a partner, you want a slave.
I have both. You can actually SHARE power with your spouse.
A marriage is a partnership. As most partnerships it will work best if the partners are equal in both power, commitment, love and friendship.
Why would I want to be his right arm? He already has one of those, two right arms would just be confusing.
I want to be his companion, his confidant, the one who stops him when he's about to do something stupid, the one to hurray and jump about when he's successful.
Just like he wants to be for me.
Surely not all women and not all men want the same thing nor do they all agree with each others opinions. It's pretty damn certain that very many people are not going to agree with Henry Makow and will think his opinions stink. I know I do. That's because I'm not in the slightest bit like him and I'm not bothered by women or men doing their own thing as long as they don't harm others. And he seems to be troubled by women invading what he sees as his domain. What a frightened little scamp he is. The trouble with being a frightened little scamp in an adult body and mind is that it creates low self esteem leading to dogmatism and mental confusion in the attempt to foster the masculine image of "me big dumb hunter, me tough" and also, "Look how intelligent and clever I am"..
If, by some miracle, you land a woman desperate enough to marry you, you'll change your tune when she calls you one night stranded by the side of the road 15 miles away with a flat tire.
If you even let her out of the house, that is.
That whole site's nothing but pathetic men, wondering why they can't find a woman desperate enough to marry them.
..You can be my right arm or you can leave...
Your right arm...,
so you would want me to do all the manual work,
while you do the commanding (aka you would be the "brain that commands the arm").
Well, look for another dumb woman who wants to be your personal slave (and I hope you never find one) ;)
Funny, my wife & I are partners in our marriage and have been for the past 10 years. And we plan to be for many more years to come. I don't think I've ever set any terms to our marriage, except maybe no sex outside of marriage and promises to love, you know, normal marriage stuff.
This seems like an apt quote :
"When the Power of Love overcomes the Love of Power, the world will know peace."
- Jimi Hendrix
"You can have power or you can have love. You cannot have both."
So no BDSM? Boy, aren't you a party pooper.
"You can be my right arm or you can leave."
I don't even know what that means.
"A woman who really loves a man will accept these terms.(She wants love not power.)This is how marriage takes place."
Yes, because in order for a woman to marry a man, she must become no more than a doormat with no opinions or personality.
Fuck you.
If you love a woman, you will treat her as your equal.
If you want to lord over a woman, then you do not love her.
So, a man who really loves a woman will also accept these terms? (He wants love, not power?)
Love mostly comes with respect, asshole!
“"You can have power or you can have love. You cannot have both. You can be my right arm or you can leave."
A woman who really loves a man”
That’s a good question. Will she still REALLY love him after finding out that he wants power more than he wants her?
"will accept these terms.”
I really doubt it. The cliche is to love, honor, and cherish. He’s stated he can’t have love AND power, He certainly won’t honor her, and while he might find her a dependable ‘right arm’ that’s the most he’ll ever do.
"(She wants love not power.)”
What he’s offering isn’t love.
“This is how marriage takes place.”
Good luck with that…
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