Pastors and pews have no choice but to engage the public square if America is to survive. The rules and objectivity that once guided American journalism no longer apply. The media is sleazy. The secular left has decided that since they couldn’t win the election through the ballot box, they will win it in the streets instead. Their current actions mimic many third-world banana republics. The secular media must be dealt with.
"since they couldn’t win the election through the ballot box, they will win it in the streets instead"
Is that what David Lane & co felt after Obama was elected?
"The rules and objectivity that once guided American journalism no longer apply."
In other words you wish they'd stop publishing all the true stuff that's embarrassing to you. Just because you don't like the news doesn't make it false.
"The secular media must be dealt with."
Oh please, grow up already.
It doesn't matter what the media think, or the people in the street. He's the President now and if he's a good one then both sides will come around. Simple as that.
And technically the Democrats did win the election at the ballot box stage.
So if I follow that line of deduction, the secular press searches for facts, and facts are bad for religion. Have I got it right? Christianity, like mushrooms, only thrives in the dark?
I suspected as much, but you don't usually get apologists admitting it so clearly.
The secular left has decided that since they couldn’t win the election through the ballot box, they will win it in the streets instead. Their current actions mimic many third-world banana republics.
Actually, no. What you're suggesting mimics many third-world banana republics; the idea that people who aren't happy with the way things are going should shut up and take it. Oh, and Trump only "won" due to a broken Electoral system that gives rural voters way, way, way too much voting power. Unless you really think a Wyoming voter should be worth 4 New York voters...
Move to Britain, then.
There's an very good reason why The Daily FAIL is called that. Also, The Scum . In the latter's case, there's an extremely good reason why 90% of newspaper shops etc in Liverpool still refuse to sell that rag to this day. [/Hillsborough]
Do you have "Private Eye" magazine in the US...?
If UKRAP are the last vestiges of the likes of the National Front, British National Party & English Defence League, then rightism is already fucked here.
A UK equivalent of the WBC? Section 5 of the Public Order Act makes sure there'll never be one.
Why isn't there a British equivalent of Faux News? Say Hello to OFCOM. No 'Bias' allowed.
So you think you're being 'Persecuted' in America? Boo-fucking-hoo. Just consider yourselves fucking lucky that the IRS aren't knocking on your doors, fundie Christains.
If America is to thrive pastors and pews (and pew is a seat isn't it? Not a person) have no choice but to fuck off before they make it into a third world country. Yes the media is sleazy. Yes journalists are nowhere near as good as they used to be. Because these days it is all propaganda and ratings. Fox News is the worst of it. Mainstream wise. Breitbart is worse as is infowars. The secular left couldn't win? Even though we had Obama for 8 years and Hillary won popular vote? And Trump got in because Russia? Did you forget that? Theocrats such as your self masturbate to places like Uganda and Russia. And America turning into third world banana republic.
The secular media must be dealt with? Are you advocating violence and terrorism? And for telling the truth?
Pews engage? I thought they were just, ya know, sitting there.
Yup, you really need to rein in faux journalists, like the ones on Fox News and Breitbart.
The cretinist right decided after the latest two elections (2008 and 2012) that since they couldn't win the election through the ballot box, they would win it at Faux News instead.
"Scientists and educators have no choice but to engage the public square if America is to survive. The separation of church & state that once protected American christianity no longer applies. Churches are sleazy. The religious right has decided that since they couldn’t win the nation over through argumentation, they will dominate it with backroom deals & threats instead. Their current actions mimic many third-world banana republics. The christians must be dealt with."
Something tells me you'd suddenly have very different principles were this version presented, and this one has a greater basis in reality!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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