Nigel Farage #conspiracy #wingnut

Brexit architect Nigel Farage: Mainstream media using polls to suppress Trump turnout

"I think that polling is often used by the establishment as a way of disincentivizing the other side to go out and vote," said Farage.

Within the mainstream media in recent decades, voter suppression is typically cited by Democrats who say Republicans aim to keep progressive voters from turning out. He said he "absolutely" believes that polls this year are meant to suppress Republican turnout.

"I also think that after the year we've been through and after the hysteria over Black Lives Matter, and the fear that if we even question this Marxist movement, that somehow we're going to be condemned for being racist and put on some list or treated in some way — I think the phenomenon of the 'shy Trumper,' who's just not going to tell the pollster what they think for fear that they're going to be knocked down in a book somewhere is even greater than it was four years ago," Farage said.



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