Carrots90 & La_Terfa #transphobia

TRAs centring themselves in discussions of imperialism

( Carrots90 )
Yes. How apt

This trans shit is a sign of the decay of an empire

The Nazis in power loved to dress up as women. Men in complete power and control love to fetishize those they control. ‘The Danish Woman” was some privileged dudes who liked to escape into some daft bimbo alt he invented. It showed his insulting views on women. Daft, carefree, silly. Not having the mores and worries of thinking men

( La_Terfa )
The Danish AMAB was a disgusting movie. Am I supposed to empathize with this weird guy who fetishizes being a woman and sees women as nothing more than a sexual fantasy?

When he died I was like, "lol". I know that sounds cruel, but I mean, he chose to undergo extremely dangerous surgeries with Nazi doctors to chase a fetish.

( Carrots90 )
I didn’t see the movie. I hope it peaked some people

Unfortunately, they probably didn’t portray the reality of how stupid, misogynistic, and insulting his alt personality was.

( La_Terfa )
Well, to be completely honest, there are moments in the movie that could be seen as TERFy. For example, there's a scene where the main character goes to watch a prostitute peep show and mimics her movements, and it's so hilariously sexualized that you HAVE to think "he's doing this purely for sexual gratification".

There's also a moment when he says to his wife (who's a painter), "I want to be a woman, not a painter", and she answers "well, some people are both, you know?" And I thought that was a good slap on the AGP's face.

But my favourite TERF moment has to be when the painter wife is going to visit some dude in a fancy office and the manservant tells the dude, "sir, the Danish girl is here". So then it feels like the title of the movie, The Danish Girl, refers in fact to the wife of the AGP protagonist. NOT to the guy who says he's actually a woman inside. And that tiny moment was so precious, lol. It was like even this melodramatic movie that tries to romanticize a sexual deviant weirdo is being gender critical.

I honestly don't know how much of this was intentional TERFery, because the movie does try to make the AGP seem like a poor misunderstood victim, but it's there, and I find that very interesting.

It's a bad movie though.



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