I'm probably going to sound like a fundy, but it just dawned on me that Satan may be actively working to make Christianity look stupid in my eyes. I can't put my finger on it, but I seem to be bombarded with the impression that the faith is moronic and ill-founded, and that Christians are misguided in their thinking. I must steel myself and be more aware of this growing impression in my mind, which is from the devil.
No, Torquemada you are so close... that isn't satan, it's reason and common sense trying to make themselves known in your head. Don't let them slip back into the depths where they may never rise again.
They can't all be Poes, you know.
"I'm probably going to sound like a fundy.." No, you sound like someone who is in a state of denial concerning what their own intellect is telling them.
No God. No Devil. Just us and anyone else who might happen to be out there.
its not an impression.
Ah well, reading the bible thoroughly is probably the best way to realise that was more than just "silly ideas in back of head". It really IS moronic, ill-founded, and misguiding.
just a few more steps there boy!
"Satan may be actively working to make Christianity look stupid in my eyes."
There is no Satan.
Christianity looks stupid all by itself.
You may be trying to think, don't stop.
...but it just dawned on me that Satan may be actively working to make Christianity look stupid in my eyes
Trust me, you don't need Satan to make anyone look like an idiot. You do a good job of that by yourself
Many "christians" are abysmally stupid, due to their brainwashing.
Thank you for crediting me with your conflicting impressions of the real world.
There's hope for you yet, Torqi baby. Just shitcan your bible and start thinking for yourself.
Just takin' care of business,
Since Satan is an invention of Christianity, he, too, is moronic and ill-founded (as well as unevidenced). Seems to me you are in a closed feedback loop here.
I wonder if it's a troll. Anyway, if you sound like fundy, you probably are. If people look moronic is THEIR problem, not Satan. Otherwise, not only you're destroying the notion of free will, you're also giving Satan so much power, that the cosmology doesn't make sense anymore.
I dunno if this guy is a Poe, but I could have very well made that statement when I began shedding my faith. It's a rather scary transition, especially having had that hell thing ground into your skull all of your life. The one thing that has to be remembered, and I'm even guilty of forgetting this, is that the religious won't just one day see how stupid faith is and instantly change. It's a huge shift, and it takes time.
Torqie, dear - it isn't Satan giving you that impression, it's your fellow Christians!
Christianity does look stoopid. Really!
This one is almost enough to bring tears to the eyes...an inkling of an independant thought, probably the only one that ever made it to the surface in that conditioned-from-birth fundie brain. And alass, it is repressed.
Well, well, how honored I am to have finally ascended to the gilded halls of FSTDT. I never thought the day would come! But, alas, I must confess that although I am a Christian, I am indeed no fundy. My posts are generally satirical in intent, such as my recent claim that Talk Beliefs (the forum that I was quoted on) is infested by electronic demons. I have pictures of these demons if you don't believe me.
Anyway, I'm honored to be part of the FTSDT hall of fame, even if I can't claim to be a true fundy :)
Grand Inquisitor Tomas De Torquemada
Also, you might be interested to know that there are actually two vesions of this quote floating around the internet. I had made a similar statement on AARM (Atheist Apologetics Research Ministries) and the irony struck me as being so delicious that I opted to post a revised version of the comment on TB. Here's the original:
You know, I'm probably going to sound like a fundy... but I have to get this off my chest. I really believe that Satan is working to bring humiliatingly stupid Christians into my life, in an attempt to persuade me to crawl back into my agnostic foxhole. Everytime I read statements like the ones highlighted on this like, I feel an acute twinge of embarassment at associating myself with such mental vegetables. Back, back, Satan! Back, back stupid Christians! Stop tempting me to abandon the faith!
(Crosses himself.)
Source: http://aarm.mywowbb.com/forum50/7251.html
Also, you might be interested to know that there are actually two vesions of this quote floating around the internet. I had made a similar statement on AARM (Atheist Apologetics Research Ministries) and the irony struck me as being so delicious that I opted to post a revised version of the comment on TB. Here's the original:
You know, I'm probably going to sound like a fundy... but I have to get this off my chest. I really believe that Satan is working to bring humiliatingly stupid Christians into my life, in an attempt to persuade me to crawl back into my agnostic foxhole. Everytime I read statements like the ones highlighted on this like, I feel an acute twinge of embarassment at associating myself with such mental vegetables. Back, back, Satan! Back, back stupid Christians! Stop tempting me to abandon the faith!
(Crosses himself.)
Source: http://aarm.mywowbb.com/forum50/7251.html
Horror! common sense and logic are rearing their ugly heads up in this fundy's brain (awkward phrasing there.. moving rapidly on)
I suppose it's possible for even the most rabid fundy to be saved, and return to rationality, afterall the * moves in mysterious ways!
Let us look forward to welcoming this lost sheep back, and celebrate his enlightenment
agentCDE said: "Yeeeeah... no. Poe. It's the name - seriously, NOBODY EXPECTS THE SPANISH INQUISITION!"
Lol that's exactly what I was thinking
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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