ionlycopenow #sexist #psycho

How cruel is it that attractive men get all the women while everyone else gets none

Sometimes, I want to punch a wall then go and find the nearest foid and shoot her in the dome everytime they complain about how all men cheat

All men cheat, and have six girlfriends at once, because they only go for these men. They only go for men who ALREADY have plenty of other girlfriends. Ie the rich get richer, the poor get poorer.

Then they still complain about it after, while the plenty of good single men continue to rot alone without anyone.

They enter harems knowingly, willingly, then complain about the harem.

I hate whores so much.

But this isn't a new take. Usually when someone makes one of these "water = wet" posts it's because something happened to make them mad enough to post it. Otherwise there's no point.

I'm angry all the time. I have not known peace in decades



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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