Well all the holy books borrow heavily or are an extension of the bible
Osiris: Admitting certain facts inconvenient to one's argument is something one would not do if one is a True Christian.
Besides, we've had quotes on here about how Adam and Eve were the first Christians.
Um, like the Noahs Ark story?
First version of the Ark myth, Sumerian Eridu Genesis myth 17th Century BC
Later version in the Epic of Gilgamesh (Babylonian), approx 1300 BC
The Hebrew book of Genesis started being written around 950 BC and was reportedly completed around 450 BC, hang about...
So the Eridu Genesis and the Epic of Gilgamesh were retrograde extensions of the Bible, sort of extending - backwards?!? Riiight...
Hey, I heard some fundies got their knickers a in a twist a couple of years back over a Dr Who Christmas special which has him flying around the Titanic at Christmas time, that could explain everything ;-)
(source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deluge_myth )
The entire faith of Buddhists, Taoists and Hindus would beg to differ on the basis of they predate your religion.
Hell Hinduism predates your religion's predecessor and your entire faith model.
"Well all the holy books borrow heavily or are an extension of the bible"
Explain the Hindu Vedas? It could even be said that Christianity borrowed heavily from predating Monotheistic beliefs, such as Zoroastrianism. And going further back, it's said that Monotheism was invented by Akhenaten (& his 'Aten').
Ignorance. It should be illegal.
Well all the holy books borrow heavily or are an extension of the bible
Punctuation, motherfucker - can you type it?
P.S. - Seems you got that backwards, son. Look up 'The Epic of Gilgamesh'. While you're at it, study up on Buddhism, Hinduism and Mithras. All predated your bible, and all were 'heavily borrowed' from for the creation of your 'holy book'.
It's bad enough that this idiot doesn't know anything about other religions, but he clearly doesn't know even the most basic history of his own. The Bible didn't magically appear pre-bound at the beginning of time--it took over a millenium for even just the Old Testament to get written down, as the Bible itself indicates.
Only the holy books written after the Bible, and closely related to the Bible. Many holy books were written thousands of years before the Bible, though, they are NOT extensions of the Bible.
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