If music without drums, syncopation, or a rock beat is acceptable music, then “Yesterday” by the Beatles would be suitable for a Christian. This song has no drums, syncopation, or rock n roll beat – so what’s wrong with it? It doesn’t talk about drugs, illicit behavior, or violence – so what’s wrong with it? What’s wrong with it is the source. It was written by God-hating communist devils. Rock n roll music was pioneered by ungodly sinners like Little Richard, a sodomite filthy animal, and Ray Charles, a heroin addict. The source of rock n roll music is ungodly.
What did Ray Charles ever do to you, fucker? Besides, do you reeeeally want any song by The Beatles to be suitable for Xians? Nevermind the actual song, The Beatles weren't exactly...model Christians or something.
You're absolutely right. The source of Rock & Roll are all evil, godless, sinners. If only they had a figurehead... like a King of Rock & Roll... we'd teach that godless commie a thing or two right?
Oh wait that was Elvis...
"Little Richard, a sodomite filthy animal"
says the person who's religion was founded by people who sodomized filthy animals.
"music was pioneered by ungodly sinners like Little Richard, a sodomite filthy animal, and Ray Charles, a heroin addict."
And DragonForce, who are BRITISH.
An anagam of Pastor Steven L Anderson is Ass porn lover Dean's tent, or Traveled as net porn sons, or Ad personnel ass rot vent, or Loons pervert tanned ass, or Ann's saved porno letters, or TT Reverend's anal spoons, or Reverend's nasal snot pot, or Earned love pants snorts.
"Ways to Avoid the Wrong Music"
1) Have congregational singing in church, not special music performances.
2) Instead of listening to tapes and CD’s throughout the week, sing songs out of the hymnal.
3) Primarily sings songs which are 50 years or older.
"The source of rock n roll music is ungodly"
Well, it came out of the blues, which came out of slavery, so you aren't wrong there.
Where you are wrong though is that it was cunts like you supported slavery.
actually God-hating Communist Devils would make a good band name - they could take traditional hymns, add a kick-ass drum and bass track and maybe throw in a fit of obscenities for good measure. Raise a whole generation on the rock version and see the fundies cringe at the sound of their own sacred "music"
What are you dumbfucks going to do for eternity when you get heaven?
No decent music, no good movies, no decent books to read, no sex (no need for procreation). It is going to be a eternity of fucking boredom with nothing to look forward to!
I would rather just enjoy myself now and die when I burn myself out.
The Beatles had more thought provoking songs then the Bible had thought provoking anything. These people, of course, hate thoughts being provoked as that encorages thinking in general.
The Beatles could out-nonsense the Bible too, now that's an acomplishment!
Gods, some people just don't feel right until they find a reason to be pissed off, are they? I want to send him a whole bunch of YouTube videos of Sinead O'Connor singing her ballads now. He'd probably keel over.
I grew up with the "any music that has drums is evil". It's pretty racist actually, because drums come from Africa, Africa is the "dark continent", Africa is evil, etc.
But yeah, he's kind of got a point if you're going to base your musical choices on what instruments are used.
It's a good thing I don't base my musical choices on what some backwater moron of a Christian pastor thinks is good music then, isn't it?
It's been over fifty years since rock got it's start. Find another bogeyman, you twit.
Yes, we should all be singing songs full of Christian Love, like "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" or "A Mighty Fortress...", etc. Because, as long as you put on your "pious face", you can hate whomever you want.
If he believes this, I expect him to boycott every single product that is made by a company of questionable ethics. That pretty much rules out ever having a bank account, using a Windows based computer, or buying brand name clothing.
And Christianity is built on top of the blood of thousands of people that didn't feel like changing their beleifs.
By your logic, your religion is even worse.
"Imagine there's no Heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace"
Says it all really. How much better the world would be if we followed John Lennon's example.
Beatles = Love
God = Hate!
I know the one I prefer.
Feedback, everything runs together with the new site, looks like my quote is one big sentence, even using the carriage return. Still glad FSTDT exists!
I wonder what you'd think if you knew the people who wrote some of the things you consider acceptable music for Christians used the contemporary music styles of their time, and even changed the lyrics to popular (including drinking/bar) songs.
Give it up. Even my mom has mostly gotten over that attitude, even if she still thinks resetting a hymn -in a musical style she doesn't like- is like sacrilege.
I've got one thing to say for Satan: AT LEAST HE FUCKIN' JAMS!
Like Bill Hicks, I'd rather be surfing on the lake of fire, high-fiving Satan every time I pass the shore, than listen to the shit that passes for "good" under the fundie standards.
"I am my own self-ruler
I need not any ministry
I see our music scares you
Can't you see that...
There's no truth in modern religion, a god we do not praise
There's no truth in heaven or hell or what lies between
There's no truth in a man-made bible, so who are they to say?
There's no truth, we are our own god and that's the only way
People live their lives
By something never seen
Dreaming all their lives
Of a place they've never been
Why can't you see live a lie?
Humor yourself until you die
We're atheist as you can see
We all control our can see
There's no truth" - Atheist
Heavy metal says fuck you too.
That would rule classical music out. Things which actually helped improve your silly church music...
And your wailing on little Richard and Ray Charles? Oh Noes Black Peoples! One of whom is blind. Jeez! Atleast aim a little higher for someone like Prince or Black Sabbath...
Also Ray turned to Heroin after being blind, poor and having his mother who cared for him die. Literally at a time when blind people were just things to pity. He however fought his addictions and made something of himself. You sir are just as addicted to another opiate.
I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to blast him with Bloodbath, right in his face with my big 8's and my 800hz P.A. System, oh my gawd, that would be fun.
On the other hand, I don't think he would enter the house of a gay pagan...
For a second there, I thought this was from Landover Baptist, and I was all like--sarcasm is cool! Then I realized this was serious, and I was all like, bummer dude-don't rip on the Beatles. Some people can take something beautiful, like a song, and turn it into something scanky, and that just sucks rocks.
It's takes a sad SOB to bad mouth Ray Charles. It takes an ignorant SOB to ignore the fact that so-called "xtian" music is filled with people who epitomize everything a xtian shouldn't do. So, unless you're using just the Psalms for music, and that not for entertainment, then you're probably going to hell.
I forgot to add, most xtian music is based on secular music. Luther was fond of writing his hymns to German bar tunes. Contemporary xtian music, well, I don't even have to go there. And even the old Byzantine and Gregorian chants are based off of pagan Greek and Roman musical theories. So you're just screwed any which way you look.
"...God-hating communist devils..."
Senator McCarthy's long dead.
"The source of rock n roll music is ungodly."
Why don't you at least update to the 80's and whine about Dungeons and Dragons.
I just had to look and see if this was a parody site or not.
Someone should tell him that the Velvet Underground who wrote songs about heroin,BDSM,drug addiction,transvestities ,sundry 'perversions' etc. etc. also wrote a song called Jesus (it is on their 3rd album) and watch to see his head explode
"If music without drums, syncopation, or a rock beat is acceptable music, then “Yesterday” by the Beatles would be suitable for a Christian."
'Christianity will go. It will vanish and shrink. I needn't argue with that; I'm right and I will be proved right. We're more popular than Jesus now; I don't know which will go first - rock and roll or Christianity.'
-John Lennon
You clearly don't know your music history, Steven. Or you'd know about the backlash in the Bible Belt after the aforementioned member of the Beatles said that (resulting in fundies burning Beatles LPs & singles, posters etc). Another quote by the late great John Lennon (from his song "Imagine"):
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Words to live by indeed. Oh, and you clearly don't know your music genres neither. There IS a Christian rock group: Stryper. Clear proof that the Devil has all the best tunes.
Okay...calm down Random...
...there's no civilized way I can respond to this.
*Aims early Aerosmith cannon*
No one touches my rock and roll.
*Watches chaos caused by Dream On*
*shreds a borrowed Schecter ZV-6661, plugged into an overdriven Line6 Spider^, and repeatedly holds out the guitar such that the "6661" is apparent*
^[pulls out flame shield]
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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