[A response to the news that wearing a Che Guevara t-shirt in Poland will be illegal thanks to new legislation. Original post in Spanish and Caps Lock]
Blessed be god, those really are progressive governments! Because progress is opposing mass murderers like this man that thousands of pseudo-comunist coffeeshop boys bring printed in caps, t-shirts, etc. be praised as heroes.
Pope Leo XIII Pecci already said it referring to socialism and communism as "pestiferous ideologies" for being atheistic, anti-christian opposing the social reign of christ. I wish this news is spread and it doesn't happen like in other countries where to bronze busts are unveiled in honor to this murderer.
You shouldn't bring up the Catholic Church, when the topic is mass murders, stupid.
Progress is usually connected with human rights for more people, scientific discoveries, new cures for dangerous diseases, ways to feed more people on less mone, things like that. Not prohibiting a t-shirt with a picture of a freedom-fighter on it.
Ah yes, Pope Leo XIII who thought it "is quite unlawful to demand, defend, or to grant unconditional freedom of thought, or speech, of writing or worship, as if these were so many rights given by nature to man".
This runs against my First Amendment instincts - a person should be able to wear a t-shirt of whatever pleases them. But perhaps you could work out something is pestiferous yourself without relying on the words of an Italian priest who's been dead for 110 years. That said, Guevara did preside over a large number of summary executions and did have a fondness for some of the more disastrous of Marxist-Leninist policies to the extent that even Fidel Castro thought him extreme. Movie star looks and a way with words don't make for goodness - Enver Hoxha had both of those in his younger days. If you want to wear the image of a great Marxist figure of the Fifties and Sixties from the Caribbean, wear a Franz Fanon t-shirt. He was a more compelling writer, his ideas have lasted much better, and he didn't kill anyone.
As soon as I learned what Che did, I found his popularity pretty damn creepy. So points here on the conscious thing - but, I don't believe in outlawing symbols. People will just come up with symbols that mean the same thing but offend less people.
"Pope Leo XIII Pecci already said it referring to socialism and communism as "pestiferous ideologies" for being atheistic, anti-christian opposing the social reign of christ."
No shit Sherlock, somebody whose power is questioned demonizes his enemies - hold the presses, it's Tuesday!
"Pope Leo XIII Pecci already said it referring to socialism and communism as "pestiferous ideologies" for being atheistic, anti-christian opposing the social reign of christ."
Because the Spanish Inquisition was a bunch of cuddly teddy bears.
I agree that most of the people who worship Ernesto Guevara know little or nothing about him. Now, I'm not sure why, but that reminds me of another bearded, long-haired fellow and his modern-day followers.
Being Polish I can tell you, that there is no law here against wearing (or burning) Guevara T-shirts. Hitler and Stalin, on the other hand (as well as swastika, hammer and sickle etc.) are banned.
Enforcement of this law, however is a different story.
Because progress is opposing mass murderers like this man that thousands of pseudo-comunist coffeeshop boys bring printed in caps, t-shirts, etc. be praised as heroes.
I don't think it's by baning t-shirts we will stop this hero worship but by making these "pseudo-comunist coffeeshop boys" aware Che Guevava was fond of sending counter-revolutionnaries to kangaroo courts and starving his soldiers because they retreated and was thrown out from Cuba for being too extreme.
..socialism and communism as "pestiferous ideologies" for being atheistic, anti-christian opposing the social reign of christ..
1) Not all socialists are atheists .
2) It is interesting the reason you condemn communism isn't the economic failures nor the massacres, killings and deprivation of freedom but its condemnation as "pestiferous ideologie" by the pope.
I wish this news is spread and it doesn't happen like in other countries where to bronze busts are unveiled in honor to this murderer.
AFAIK, nobody is unveiling busts hororing the Che.
Where is Pope Joe Pesci when we need him?
@ Doubting Thomas
I'm no fan of Che but I think people should be allowed to wear a T-shirt with his picture on it if they like.
I'm stifling a Godwin here...
You are aware of Jesus teachings? And of how many people god kills in the Bible, and how many people were killed in the name of god?
so Poland, knee deep in EU money and subsidies continues to impose authoritarianism
I believe Putin would be happy to have them back!
"The fundamental feature of these assimilations and identification constitutes the complete ignorance of the material basis of the different trends, i.e. their class nature, and its objective historical role. Instead, they are measured and classified development trends across any external indication and secondary, as often, as their attitude to this or that abstract principle, given that the classifier has a very special professional value. Thus, for the Roman Pope, the Freemasons, Darwinists, Marxists and anarchists are twins, since all alike sacrilegiously deny the Immaculate Conception. For Hitler, liberalism and Marxism are twins, since they ignore 'blood and honor'. For Democrats, Fascism and Bolshevism are twins, since they do not bow before universal suffrage. And so on.
The common features and trends are undeniable compared. The reality, however, is that the development of the human species is not exhausted nor universal suffrage, or with 'blood and honor', or the dogma of the Immaculate Conception."
Leon Trotsky
Telling people what they may, or may not wear on their Tshirts is not government. It's oppression. Bring back Jaruzelsky.
Cur Latinam non uteris omnibus in litteris?
There are many relevant things I dislike:
1) Che Guevara. He was a murderer.
2) Government censorship. People should have the right to wear whatever T-shirts they want, barring exceptions for things like incitement to violence. Even morons have rights.
3) Submitting posts translated from other languages. Translating is a hell of a difficult business, and I fear if we start doing this regularly we're going to end up with posts that seem fundie in English, but are due to mistranslations.
To be fair, Che Guevara shirts are the dumbest fucking thing and most people who wear them are stupid hipsters who don't even know who he was (hint: not someone you should idolize). But other than that, this is really kinda crazy.
I'm not even sure if I should WTF this, since that could be implying that I support those stupid fucking t-shirts and the stupid fucking hipsters who wear them. So I guess I'll just not vote either way.
(Holy fucking SHIT this site's programming is so fucking awful! Seriously, 75% of the time you try to edit something, it won't even let you; it just redirects to the front page without saving anything. What the hell is wrong with whoever programmed this shit?)
Okay, that post gets a little mad in the second paragraph, but the first isn't too far wide of the mark (except in praising government legislation over our very clothes). Che wasn't a terribly nice man, by many accounts.
In that case, BE CONSEQUENT, and don't whine if they don't let you praise the Argentinian military junta or Pinochet. They also killed a lot of people, right?
wearing a Che Guevara t-shirt in Poland will be illegal thanks to new legislation
Ok folks, I had a look at the facts.
There was a law passed in Poland in September 2009 that prohibited the display of Communist/Totalitarian symbols and content. The law was very vague in its wording.
In 2011 the Polish version of the Supreme Court nullified most of the law, reducing it to forbidding "active propogation of Communism".
The blog entry cited above was written in June of 2010, more than two years ago, and while the vaguer, strickter version of the law was still in effect.
Yes, Che Guevara is not my favorite person in the whole wide world, but hey, that's freedom of speech: you have to put up with other people's idea of heroes.
On the other hand, why should I give two shits what Pope Leo or any of the other pedo-enablers have to say about anything?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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