Uhm… uhh… can I have a quick rundown?
Fine then, I’ll do it myself.
- “Light forces” = Probably just the QAnon white hats with a New Age coat of paint.
- “Aldebarans” = Aliens from the Aldebaran star system, this is probably a New Ager starseed-like idea.
- “Ultrasound tester” = A device that magically distinguishes counterfeit gold bars from real bars through methods unexplained.
- “Audit” = No clue whether Trump and Musk genuinely did something even dumber once I stopped listening or if they just made this audit up.
- “Chimera spider” = Some sort of spirit animal, probably.
- “Etheric poison” = Most likely a liquid version of Spirit Science’s “psychic attack anchors”. There are apparently reservoirs full of it that also contain souls of human sacrifice victims, but it’s unclear if the OOP means the souls are part of the substance itself.
- “Dark magi” = Wizards, but not the wizards the OOP likes, who would be “aldebarans” or part of the “light forces”.
- “Dark forces” = Probably an umbrella term for the following secret societies and more:
- “Black Nobility” = A secret society composed of “dark magi”, no idea if it has to do with race. I don’t want to actually search for this though, since it will probably contaminate my feed with racist drivel.
- “Death cult of Baal” = Another secret society, no idea how it’s any different from the above other than worshipping the ancient pagan god Baal.
- “Dark Tibetan network” = A third “dark magi” secret society, probably centered around the Dalai Lama (considering a surprising number of conspiracy theorists think he’s some sort of string puller, going back to WWII-era Germany)
- “Lurker” = An entity that can “subquantumly entangle” things. I can’t tell if it’s on the side of the “light forces” or “dark forces” because subquantumly entangle doesn’t mean anything, it’s just technobabble.
And all of this has to do with the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine somehow.
(Also they got the densities of gold and tungsten wrong. Gold is 19.32 g/cm3, tungsten is 19.28 g/cm3. Thought I should mention that.)