Cobra/The Portal #ufo #magick #wingnut #racist #conspiracy

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The Light Forces, including some Aldebarans in cloned human bodies within the Trump administration, are directly and indirectly supporting Trump and Musk team in their auditing endeavors:

Musk is asking himself, where are the aliens?
As Elon Musk is not very familiar with the role of gold in the occult economy, I need to stress that density of gold (19.28 g/cm3) is very similar to density of much cheaper tungsten (19.25 g/cm3) and many gold bars are actually tungsten bars coated with a thin layer of gold:
The easiest way to distinguish between real gold bars and fake tungsten gold plated bars is by an ultrasound tester:

As it is very likely that much of “gold” in Fort Knox is actually tungsten, every single gold bar there would need to be tested with an ultrasound tester when the audit is made.
The Light Forces have just finished clearing a network of huge reservoirs of black goo (Chimera spider etheric poison) which were stored in containers at human sacrifice sites under churches, synagogues, temples and catacombs for many hundreds of years, sometimes millennia.

These containers were the main source of power for dark magi of Black Nobility of Europe, death cult of Baal in Israel, and dark Tibetan network in China. Many souls trapped in these reservoirs are now freed, and the black goo successfully cleared. This will diminish the power of the Dark forces significantly. As all of this was subquantumly entangled by the Lurker, now the Lurker is at least 70% cleared.

Main locations of these reservoirs were under Rome, Paris, London, Kiev, Odessa, Jerusalem, Kiryat Shmona, Urumqi and Beijing.

Although those reservoirs were cleared, the above mentioned locations are still one of the main focal points of the dark forces.

In Europe, Black nobility and their minions want to continue the war in Ukraine:



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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