:The-Great-Work. #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #wingnut thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com

All men and women of the world have been severely misinformed and misled by a group of BANKer and MERchant criminal terrorists. Is it a cohencidence that these criminal CORPORATE SHARKS just happen to be jews who have taught us that we live by the Law of the Land in their schools and juniversities, but have pulled the wool over our eyes tricking us into being subject to MARitime ADMIRALty Law?

The Earth is made of land and WATER, therefore there is the Law of the Land and the Law of the SEA. The Law of the Land is Natural Law within the nation in which a Folk live. The Law of the SEA is international and is known as MERchant, BANKing, CORPorate, MARitime or ADMIRALty Law.
MER- From Middle French mer, from Old French mer, from Latin mare, from Proto-Italic *MARI, from… SEA (large body of WATER)

The SEA is enCHANTing and is the law of the MER-CHANT.

MAR, MARI, MARE- The word MARE is used more often to mean OCEAN.
All SHIPS are female, and she DELIVERS a product when she BERTHS.

According to Black’s Law Dictionary a Hospital is considered a BANK. Like a SHIP, a woman also DELIVERS a product when she goes into labor in the hospital DELIVERY Room. She is a vessel or a SHIP who gives BIRTH to a child.

Men impregnate women with SEMEN. Women are a vessel or a SHIP. Men and women MARry. Is she of good STOCK or is she bad COMPANY? That’s none of your BUSINESS. You now need a licence to MARry because MARriage is a BUSINESS exchange. A spouse is a MARriage PARTNER.
BERTH-Where you DOCK a SHIP and deliver product.

BIRTH- your mother delivers you, a CORPORATE product
When a woman DELIVERS a child, her WATER breaks as she legally DELIVERS a MARitime ADMIRALty product; which must also have Certificate of Manifest or a BIRTH Certificate. On the bottom of a BIRTH Certificate, shows the Informant. Our informants are our Parents. As soon as you’re born you become PROPERTY of the country you were born into and are now legal property of the Department of ComMERce



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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