The Zetas via Nancy Leider #ufo #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy

Dramatic proof of Nibiru’s wafting tail causing Toxic Fog and monstrous Petrol Blobs so heavy they leak the dripping Petrol on those below have appeared in LA. All this is of course ignored by the Legacy Media who can offer no excuses. Beyond EMP assaults on airplanes and on the infrastructure below, what can mankind expect? Magnetics is heavily used in mankind’s devices, from door locks to the brakes on walkers for the disabled to on/off toggle switches.
Nibiru is a massive planet, 23 times the mass of Earth and 4-5 times the diameter of Earth. Needless to say its Magnetic field dominates when both the Earth and Nibiru are close to each other. The dominant field forces allegiance via magnetic resonance so the Earth attempts to align with Nibiru rather than align with the Sun – the dominant Magnet in the Solar System. This struggle between Magnetic Field Masters results in the zig-zag pattern in the clouds in this 2025 capture.
Defunding the USAid projects will reveal many illegal projects that have been formerly funded by the taxpayer via being laundered through USAid. The Chemtrail project, seeking to fog up the skies so the Nibiru Complex is not visible, of course is funded by the wealthy, who stand to lose the most by public awareness, but in some locales was funded by USAid funds. The small private jets that spread Chemtrails do not run on fumes, and repurposing them and suppling them with fogging chemicals is expensive. Thus there is a lull in Chemtrail activity.
There is a reason the Kolbrin called the smoke in the tail of Nibiru a ‘vile smoke” that choked those who were forced to breath it. So thick it seemed as dark as night but these descriptions were recorded close to the hour of the passage. Smoke inhalation is treated by staying indoors and the Petrol mixed in should be avoided likewise. These assaults by the tail of Nibiru will come and go but staying indoors with windows closed during an assault is the best advice.



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