
Buster Himen #racist erasingus.com

Black males who "sing" "lyrics" about being a "nigga killer" are no good. Especially ones who have a paranoid reaction to drug use. Especially those who most probably deal drugs. Especially those who have an aggressive personality to the point that they'll nearly strangle a much smaller man over a dollar pack of marijuana wraps. This is the kind of profile that fits the kind of Ape terrorist who will murder a White person. One less fitting that profile is off the street after meeting his watermelon God in the sky.

Buster Himen #fundie erasingus.com

Know Your Enemy: The 5 Types of White Liberal Men

There are a few types of liberal White males that exist and today we're going to cover five of them. They are creepy, they are emotional, they are illogical and they all play an important role in erasing us.

The most integral part of the struggle for White survival is for you to understand who your enemy is and then study them; know them like the back side of your hand. Understand the way they think to make yourself a more formidable debater. Understand how to exploit the loopholes, double-standards, and fallacy in their emotional pleas to erase the White race from planet earth.

Now here we are, the five types of White liberal men.

1. The Blue Pill Beta Male.

These are the kinds of men who you find identifying as feminists because they think it'll get them laid. Little do they know women really aspire to be with an Alpha male. Perhaps that is why the majority of feminists have rape fantasies to the point they invent terms like "rape culture." Nonetheless, these men typically surround themselves with social justice warrior White females with multicolored hair, nose piercings and oversized eyeglasses and kowtow to their social outrage causes.

2. The White Husband Who Gets Off Watching His Wife Bang Black Guys.

These types of White liberals are particularly gross. The problem they have is more or less rooted in a serious psychological disease that stems from an addiction to hardcore pornography. They need to find something more and more taboo and the only thing they can eventually achieve satisfaction on is by abusing themselves by handing their wives, and sometimes daughters, off to Black men. They also have an inherent inferiority complex. They buy into the Jewish poison that White men are inferior sexual providers to their women as propagated in the Jewish media commercials, television shows, movies and music. A part of this, particularly among the younger generation of White communists is as some sort of penance for the since of their "racist ancestors." Seriously, there is a whole corner of the internet dedicated to this filth. They aren't open about their hatred for White people but you can bet they were amongst the first to line up to vote for Barack Obama, twice.

3. The Academic White Communist.

Under any other circumstances like not having wealthy parents, they would have become a gutter rat ANTIFA activist. But their parents who have worked hard their entire lives to accumulate a savings account and send their kids to university end up with a child who get indoctrinated in "gender studies" and "white privilege" sociology classes. They buy the malarky of their Jewish communist professors who are burnouts from the 1960s hippie movement. Bring it all down, man. They use words and phrases like "structural racism" and "white privilege" and express particular concern about "rape culture." He may even go so far as to post pictures to his Tumblr and Twitter accounts of himself holding up sharpie markered signs saying "this is what a feminist looks like" or notes about his "White skin privilege." What these people do is regurgitate the kind of far-left nonsense that their professors teach them. They live so well, their life is so great, they have so many opportunities that they need to find something wrong with the world and adhere to neo-Marxist nonsense.

4. The Union Worker.

I'm having a hard time with this one simply because it is tough to consider drywall hangers, carpenters, painters, plumbers and other craftsmen as "liberal" by the 2015 standard. Your average unionized contractor more than likely does not want his daughter marrying Tyrone and certainly does not buy into the "White Privilege" bullshit but for all intents and purposes he is as dangerous to the future of the White race as number's 1-3 on our list and I'll tell you why. The union worker primarily votes Democrat and by default liberal for purely economic reasons. Whether you realize it or not, the "union thug" who votes blue to save his pension and platinum health benefits and 6 weeks of vacation is almost as harmful to White society as the ghetto waste in the Section 8 housing development who is eating McDonalds, smoking Newports and drinking Miller High Life on your dime. Would you believe these two people are voting alongside these people? The sheer greed of many White males to vote such a way to preserve their own arbitrary wealth has been and continues to be devastating and will ultimately be what gets Hilary Clinton elected in 2016. Sure, voting Republican would send his son to fight Israel's wars but holy cow, you can thank this type of White liberal for Barack Obama.

5. The One Who Is Starting to Get It.

There comes a time when every man has to take a long, hard look in the mirror and answer to himself. There is undoubtedly a contingent of well-intentioned White male liberals who realize that no matter how much Social Justice Warrioring around they do they will still be considered the ultimate scum of society. All of the men on this list, perhaps with the exception of number two who is who he is because of childhood abuse and perverted pornography addiction, will in due time realize that they just aren't welcomed and certainly aren't needed anymore. The feminists truly hate men so they no longer need the pity points since enough of the idiots in America believe in farces like "rape culture" and "gender inequality." The campus chapter of the Black Panthers and Muslim Brotherhood will capitalize on the emotionality of White women and no longer need White men to kiss their ass. The mass expanding non-White population in America will be enough to get Democrats elected and the pensions of union workers will be unfunded liabilities and the first thing to go when the shit hits the fan.

You can bet your bottom dollar that a ton of White liberal males of all ages in all corners of the United States are starting to take long and hard look at the lunacy of the world around them. They're evaluating all of the time they have wasted being a Social Justice Warrior and eventually take that step toward being a conservative with a brain instead of a conservative with no heart.

Buster Himen #fundie erasingus.com

Lets make this a short and simple blog on how the rat faced Jew ruined American icon, hero to many Hulk Hogan.

First we must acknowledge who Gawker, a filth rat-faced Jew website. It has many wings including a gossip wing, a sports wing, and a technology wing amongst others.

Gawker was founded by son of (of course) MUH HOLOCAUST victims Nick Denton, a Hungarian Jew. Elizabeth Spiers is credited as the cofounder who writes for far left hypocrite rag Salon who is also believed to be a Jew. Next up is the current editor in the interim Leah Beckmann, who is of course, you guessed it: A JEW.

After his son made someone a vegetable in a car wreck, after his wife divorced him and took 75% or more of his net worth, in late 2012 a video of Hulk Hogan having sex with shock jock Bubba the Love Sponge's wife. Hogan then pursued a $100,000,000 lawsuit against Gawker for their sick Jew illegal voyeurism.

Guess what? They we're going to lose and this hit to their finances would undoubtedly put Gawker out of business once and for all. They're only worth about $40MM according to most estimates.

So what do the rat faced vermin do? They go "OYYYY VEY! *rub hands together* Lets make that Goy and well known born-again Christian Hulk Hogan into a racist!"

Buster Himen #racist erasingus.com

Despite what your Jewish social science professor is lecturing about, there is no organized system of White supremacy conspiring toe oppress downtrodden "minorities." There is also no such thing as "White privilege." Nor is there such a thing as "racism." If these three things were anything other than something professor Mordecai Schmurlerberg pulled out of his rectum, non-Whites would not literally be illegal burrowing into this country to be oppressed. It is what you call a logical fallacy.