
Mr. baldy #fundie islamicboard.com

well if ur basing ur beliefs on science, ill attack science. quite simply science is completley fickle, theories are being proven wrong all the time, for example quantam physics and the theory of relativity, the big bang theory replaced a different theory (i forget what the name is). so really its only a matter of time until a 'more accurate theory' comes out. what will u do then? what will happen to the beliefs u hold so staunchly

rather than basing ur beliefs on science, i suggest u base them on ration.

Alpha Dude #homophobia islamicboard.com

Men and women have different but complementary genitalia and are able to advance the human race via procreational intercourse.

Humans do not have the natural ability to procreate in a homo setting. Homosexuals cannot procreate and cannot advance the human race by themselves.

A homosexually inclined person is about as useful to advancing the human race as somebody who has intercourse with a fair-ground ride (does happen).

Ultimately, such acts can be done, but the practitioners have deviated from what is to be considered natural.

Humans only have one option if they want to survive and that is hetero. This implies homosexuality is a flaw or disease.

Usually, effort is spent curing diseases. Homosexuality should be treated no different.

Junon #sexist islamicboard.com

Does Islam need feminism?


No, judging by the damage it has done in western societies.

The book The Garbage generation was released in 1990. Gives a good insight into he kind of society feminists want to create.

The Garbage generation

The feminist/sexual revolution is not a breakthrough but a throwback. Its program, highly successful thanks to the betrayal of the family by the legal system, is to undermine and destroy patriarchal social organisation, based on male kinship, and to restore matriliny, the female kinship system whose results can be seen in the ghettos, on Indian reservations, in the islands of the Caribbean, and in surviving Stone Age societies.

In primitive tribal society matriliny is well adapted to the peoples needs. In civilised society it is pathological – the source of most crime, delinquency, illegitimacy, educational failure, drug addiction, infantilism, gang violence, demoralisation and sexual confusion.

According to todays lawmakers and judges, society must provide props for the strongest link in the family, the mother infant tie. According to Daniel Amneus, society must instead provide props for the weakest link, the fathers role. Mom got along without patriarchal society and the legal system for two hundred million years, but Dad has got to have them and have them on his side or there will be no two parent family.

The solution: place the children of divorce in the custody of the fathers rather than the mothers. This was the 19th century practice and it made the Victorian family a stable institution. There were only 7000 divorces annually in the 1860s, when John Stuart Mill wrote, ‘They are by law his children’.

Todays judges are virtual accessories to child abuse when they place children in female headed households where they are far more likely to be mistreated, neglected, impoverished and delinquent.

Ummu Ammatullah #fundie islamicboard.com

Ick i have no idea how in the world a man could have sexual feelings for a man oh god what has the world come to. Visit California everywhere you turn your head you'll see women and men practicing illegal sexual activities with the same gender.That trip totally taught me one thing which is never in your life step foot in Cali.Till this day those images literally like hunt me.Aughhhh!!!As for having a friend that is gay well still talk to them and yet I'm scared for you because I heard many times that who your friends are is who you are.

IbnAbdulHakim #fundie islamicboard.com

i dont get people these days
goin around like its so hard to lower ones gaze
who'd even wanna look about wiv all these gays around
sodomy/blaspheny takin a new leap
and its getting a bit steep
the way they attacking our peeps
and at times its getting deep
but our stance we shall keep defending!!!!

Karl #conspiracy islamicboard.com

Feminism is also a Zionist conspiracy to destroy Christendom (pretty much trashed), Islam (falling over) and Hindoo (too complicated to know what's really going on) not to mention all the other patriarchal religions. The United Nations is driving feminism all over the world with the help of Rockefeller and Co funds with it's carrot and the stick policy. Hillary Clinton is a crazy feminist and if she gets into power she will nuke Iran for not buckling to this internationalist cultural Marxist menace if Nutjob yahoo doesn't do it first.

silkworm #fundie islamicboard.com

"Any Atheist who can prove why and how the sky is staying without falling without the help of pillars???

Sky is not resting on pillars, right? So who is keeping this sky afloat on on heads in the middle of nowhere. What is the cause of "sky" hanging without any support?

Answer me and I will become an Atheist."

Junon #sexist islamicboard.com


Another comment piece on the damage feminism has done to western society. Lessons to be learned.

Why Men (and Women) Hate Feminism

A while ago I received an e-mail from one of my female readers. She was being honest and polite, but wanted to know precisely what I had against feminism. It was along the lines of "feminism is about the equal treatment of women, so what is so bad about that?" However, like many other women, I don't believe she was fully aware as to just how far the feminist movement has gone, co-opting women and how far from the truth it is. Thus, I believe it would be to everybody's benefit to explain in detail why most readers here in the Capposphere and elsewhere are against feminism (and to see if I'm missing any other reasons).

Reason #1 - Myopic View of the Sexes

If there is a "primary" reason I would have to say this is it. Feminism started demanding changes in regards to women, with no consideration as to what would happen to the other half of society, ie - men. They also did not think it through and consider children as well. It was a very female-centered approach and nobody considered (let alone, cared) how actions/changes/etc. in women would affect the rest of society. You still see this today based on the policies advocated by feminism in that it is all about women. A secondary concern is given to the children (more often than not, using children as a means to extract government resources), and maybe a tertiary concern is given to men.

Reason #2 - Lies About Human Nature

A close second is the ludicrous concept that men and women are not just equal, but the same. Women can do what men can do. There are no biological differences. And any difference is viewed as sexism or oppression.

The problem is these differences are what makes men and women great. Men like women. Women like men. Men don't like manly women, and women don't like girly men. We enjoy the difference. All feminism has done is ruined the love lives of millions of other women (and men's as well) lying to youth about "being a sensitive 90's man"or a "strong independent woman." That men are "shallow" and "cheap" for liking long legs and big boobs, and that any man who is worth his weight in salt will "like you for you." Women now ignore these basic biological facts about male sexuality, even mocking and scorning them, and fail to attract men.

These lies about the "exact sameness" of men and women also destroy a vital component of our economy and society - the division of labor. Though nobody is ordained or condemned to play these roles, traditionally the wife would stay home, while the husband would work. This allowed for not only better families, but better reared children. It also allowed for happier people (as men are predisposed to go out and work and women are predisposed to stay at home and rear a family). Neither role was inferior to the other. Both were vital, but it was feminism that lied to millions of younger women telling them the grass was greener on the other side. The result has been an increase in divorce, less stable family, less financially stable families, and problem children incapable of becoming functioning adults in society. This has also resulted in women being less happy.

Reason #3 - False Claims of Sexism

The thoroughly debunked "wage gap" is getting mighty tiresome. It is a false argument used only to gain "victim" status by feminists to result in legislation that unfairly benefits women. Affirmative action is nothing more than discrimination against men. Most men resent this

Reason #4 - Not Pulling Your Weight

The wage gap, however, does prove something. Women, for all their clamor of independence and "what you can do I can do better" are failing miserably and only achieving about 76% of what men do. This in spite of all the handicaps of affirmative action, a media that is always supportive, and limitless educational and government programs. Of course, the wage gap is not 100% "proof women aren't pulling their own weight." Many women still take on traditional roles and rear children, some drop out of the work force to take care of their families. But when it comes to majoring in rigorous studies, producing things of economic value, and being economically-contributing members of society, they disproportionately fail. They account for more government workers than men, they account for easier subjects in college than men, and they are nowhere to be seen in dangerous or risky jobs. Women on the whole are NOT equal when it comes to economic production.

Reason #5 - Poor Stewardship of the Right to Vote

This is more of an opinion, but I believe it is an opinion held by the majority of men (and surprisingly, women) who hate feminism (so you may not agree the the political opinion, but it IS a reason some people hate feminism). In short, feminists have been poor stewards of their right to vote. I say this because they have consistently as a group voted for more government and less freedom since given the right to vote. I believe this is because it is in women's nature to be more caring than men, and thus tend to vote for "nicer" things. Children, health care, education, etc. However, "feelings" and "caring" have no place in government finances. That requires passionless thought and consideration, research, mathematics, and an understanding of history and economics. It also requires an appreciation for the freedom granted to us by our forefathers and an understanding of the role government was intended to play. Feminists have proven ignorant about these topics and vote with their hearts, not their heads (and more recently, just for plain politics).

Reason #6 - Replacing Men With the State

Closely related to #5 is that feminists and feminism advocates essentially replacing the husband and father with the state. This is abundantly clear when you see how much money and support single mothers get not to mention this macabre desire by some feminists to eliminate men from the birthing process altogether. Not only does this take away the two most important things in a man's live (his theoretical would-be wife and children), but essentially forces men to compete against the government as a much-better financed suitor. Not only do men lose out on love and family, any children brought into this world via Daddy Government are missing a real father and will suffer incredibly later in life.

Reasons #7 - Hypocrisy

While most hard core feminists will claim they're "independent," they're anything but. They are usually the first to have some kind of make-work government job, some kind of professorship nobody asked for, or begging and pleading for donations to some kind of "activist group." They typically produce nothing of value and require the state to transfer other people's money to create jobs for them. They even point out, point blank, they want more government money for them and/or their children in government policy. And while, yes, there may be that one feminist computer engineer, the vast majority of them are hopelessly dependent.

Reason #8 - Backlash for the Ruination of Women/Men/Lives

In general and summarizing some of the above, most people haven't sat down to think things through to the point they can articulate why the are so frustrated or angry with the opposite sex, let alone what role feminism played in this angst. But both sexes are painfully aware of the lower quality men and women of today. Modern day western women are on the whole unmarriageable, and modern day western men are no where near capable of being a provider or protector. As they ponder these things, however, they will start to realize just what a bunch of BS and lies they were fed in their youth. Lies about the sexes, the roles people were supposed to play, how the sexes were to interact with one another, and what people "should and should not like." As people age, they will see the best thing in their lives (namely, members of the opposite sex) ruined and spoiled, and consequentially the quality of their own lives ruined as well. Men now have to settle for women they're not attracted to, women have to settle for men who are effeminate and clueless, all because a bunch of women in the 1970's were miserable with their lives and (as far as I can tell) merely wanted everybody else to be miserable like them. When people put two and two together, they will see it was feminism that warped and thus ruined this aspect of their lives and they will get angry.

Those are the 8 primary reasons I could come up with. I think there may be more, but at minimum I hope it debunks feminism as simply being the "equal treatment of women" and clears up some things on both sides of the aisle.

tango92 #fundie islamicboard.com

"has anyone else noticed atheists tend to be ugly people?

i know three atheists in my school,

my perpetually drunk maths teacher (i mean he is literally downing whisky or something from his flask during lesson)
a kid in my physics class, who is a skinny whoos
and a kid doing philosophy who has a face full of spots

but the one striking thing about all is how horrendous they are, not only their outside by you feel theyre ugly on the inside "