
LiberalAssKicker #fundie liberalsmustdie.com

Scientists believe that they are only months away from proving once and for all that God exists!!!
What will Satanists, errr I mean Atheists like Richard Dawkins have to say, when their fellow liberal scientists have turned against them??
What will Muslums and Democrats say??
Will they beg for our (Christian Republican) forgiveness?? Will they agree that the Bible is true? Will we finally be able to outlaw homosexuality? Will slavery be legalized again?
My God it will be a great time to be alive!! Stay tuned!

(website) #fundie #wingnut liberalsmustdie.com

image: What Would Jesus Do? Kick a liberal in the balls!


I have know Liberal Ball Kicker for a long time, and I know that he stands for the same things as I do.

Converting Americans and forigners to Christianity by any means necessary
Implementing a flat tax
Removing the "Death Tax"
The removal of Dicatators around the world, as well as Democratically elected leaders who criticize the United States and/or George W. Bush (I'm talking about you Chirac)
Manditory gun ownership laws
Overthrow of Roe v. Wade
Overthrow of Brown v. Board of Ed.
Merging our government with the Church of Jesus Christ.
Many many more


The election is coming up and we need to focus on the issues most important to Americans:
Gay Marriage
Flag Burning
Privatizing Social Security

LiberalAssKicker #fundie liberalsmustdie.com

Jesus is a pro-war kinda guy, so long as the war is a good one, just like Dick Cheney and George W. Bush.

Wars can be really good! They help the economy and make people support the president so he can push legislation that is God-Friendly!

Check out Matthew 10, where Jesus reminds us that he likes a good fight, not "peace" like the liberal hippies.

Article: "You Want To Get Stabbed?" #racist liberalsmustdie.com

Watch out for the darkies if Barack Obama wins, they will be looking for revenge for all that slavery nonsense and they will want to take it out on your family, with knives and guns.

It's crazy really. 99% of negros had it better as slaves. The were given work, and in return they got good food and a roof over their head. NOW they are living in poverty and can't get a job and are just shooting each other and getting shot by the police. I bet they wished they were slaves again.