
Unknown #fundie yecheadquarters.org

[Apparently those who believe in evolution are real assholes...]

So from all of their websites, and forums. I have come up with a current evolutionist Hit List:

1.) Atheist-evolutionist: Close to pure human, and always well educated.
2.) Atheist only: Predominately human, and mostly well educated.
3.) Theistic evolutionist (evolution plus God): Half human, and moderately educated.
4.) Old earth creationist (OEC): A little less than half human. Slightly educated.
5.) Creationist: Predominately animal. Not very intelligent.
6.) Young earth creationist (literal belief in God's word): Almost pure animal. Un-educatable.

So if you believe in the literal word of God, or in creation itself. What other category does that put you in, according to the mindset of evolutionists?

Issac #fundie yecheadquarters.org

So let us deal with the most common claim that they all make: There is no God.

No God, and no creation means we have no soul to be saved. Evolution denies the soul of man because evolution cannot answer the question: In the evolution process, when did man receive a soul that needed to be saved? So those of you that believe one can coexist with the other are actually believing in a oxymoron. Which makes your faith an oxymoron. So you are either a theist, atheist, or agnostic. A theistic evolutionist does not apply, it is only a justification for not wanting to believe God fully, but make everyone think that you do. Is God a fool? I think not, and that will be made clear one day.

A test for a man's soul?

Science cannot prove God either way. But can science prove the existence of a soul? This is where the subject of a life force (soul) comes in. If all that were to life was dead matter that is now living. Fixing what is wrong with that matter to sustain life would be much easier. But yet everyday in the medical field the unexplained happens.

People die, who should have lived. And people live, who should have died. The only explanation medical science has for this is one person's will to live was greater then the others. To come to this conclusion, you would also have to say that anyone who wants to live forever could do just that. But that is not what we see is it?

So we could conclude that when this life force leaves the living matter body, it turns back into dead matter and cannot be revived. Because matter can be repaired. Making the soul return to the body so that life can be sustained, is not obtainable. Therefore medical science will always have a problem explaining how some people died, and some people lived. But, is there evidence that a soul actually exists?

There were some tests conducted on terminal patients to see if the soul actually has weight that could be recorded at the exact time of death (if there was a soul that left, and had measurable weight). Doing this test, they found some interesting stuff. Regardless of how big or small the person was that died, the weight loss was always the same: 3/4 of an once. And it was always recorded right at the instant the person ceased to show any life signs.

Further tests were frowned upon because it was raising some eye-brows on being in-humane, even though consent was obtained from each person to do this.



They even did some tests on some dogs to see if all life had this same weight loss upon time of death. The dogs did not experience any weight loss at the time of death. And the bible never says that animals have a soul. Or that a soul was breathed into them. Humans having a soul means that the soul has to go some where when we die. This is the part that atheist do not like to hear. And because evolution denies the existence of a soul, they will hate anything that either condirms there is a soul. Or even says there is a soul.

Issac #fundie yecheadquarters.org

I purpose that we remove all theories, and inventions that the Christians made to science. And take it to court and have a law past that says: because science chooses to be of a secular nature only. To use anything that a Christian gave to it would violate the separation of church and state. This would mean that all inventions made by atheist because of a Christian scientist findings, would become useless and worthless. Now you might think that would not be much. Which would mean you would be going to court to be taken. Because you have not been told the vast contributions Christians, and Jews have made to science. So for the next several pages, I will list them. And don't forget, they are stupid because they believed in God (like the evolutionist like to claim).

Issac #fundie yecheadquarters.org

[About FSTDT with the (old?) Admin's answers in bold.]

What is the goal of this site? Entertainment.
I guess it is entertaining to have a site that is 90% geared towards the hate of Christians. Even up to implying that they should be killed just for what they believe.

I don't get a lot of non-Christian submissions. Non-Christian quotes just don't get submitted to the site very often at all.
Which shows that your members are basically Atheists, and Satanists like yourself.

I allow people to say anything, I operate my site using a principle of minimal moderation.
Regardless of how many excuses you make for your sites content. What you allow on your site shapes what your site has become. If killing Christians is entertainment, then allowing it to be said is what you condone. Having the ability to delete comments like this on your site, but not choosing to because "you allow people to say anything" attitude. Is allowing, and approving what you actually think. Because when someone actually carries out what you allow on your site (killing people for what they believe), I'd like to see if you can get off the hook by using one of the lame excuses you use here. There is nothing you can say that will ever justify murder.

No one would care what fundies say if it weren't for the fact that they are trying to roll back civil rights in this country, rewrite the whole of history to fit their little pet theories about the universe, make a mockery of science by trying to justify ice-canopy theories, hydroplate theories, flood geology, and geocentricism.
So your goal of all this is a type of mind control? Where your way of thinking is the only way everyone should think? Because to do what you say above, it would take an established dictatorship that puts out information that only supports it's views (your views). And stifles all other views even up to killing those who would disagree. Even Hitler tried to do this. If what you believe were truly about free thought. You would not care what I think, or anyone else. The term free thinker is just a cover up for the mind control you want to havem over everyone. Because free thinking is a part of freedom. I see no freedom in thinking that anyone who does not go along with your ideas, should be ridiculed, or even killed. Maybe that's the real reason you allow people to say: We should kill Christians. Deep inside, it's what you want. So you let other people say it for you.

So is the mockery of science your justification for murder? Because every excuse I see by people like yourself, always boils down to science and evolution. And killing for evolution always connects to Hitler. And will be the reason I will always make that connection as long as sites like yours, and other condone killing.

Issac #fundie yecheadquarters.org

So from all of their websites, and forums. I have come up with a current evolutionist Hit List:

Individuals separated by education and belief.
1. Atheist-evolutionist.
2. Atheist only.
3. Theistic evolutionist (evolution plus God).
4. Old earth creationist (OEC).
5. Creationist.
6. Young earth creationist (literal belief in God's word).

Where they are considered by evolutionists.
1. Close to pure human, and always well educated.
2. Predominately human, and mostly well educated.
3. Half human, and moderately educated.
4. A little less than half human. Slightly educated.
5. Predominately animal. Not very intelligent.
6. Almost pure animal. Un-educatable.

Issac #fundie yecheadquarters.org

Their hate knows no bounds.

And to finish with listing things from this site, here are the top 100 Christian posts they consider the best to mock, ridicule, and make fun of: http://www.fstdt.com/top100.asp

Don't be surprised if they change the links listed here because they are cowards when it comes to being exposed about what they really do, and what they really think about "all" Christians.

Side note: If your an atheist-evolutionist and are repulsed by what you have read here. Might want to rethink your view on what you believe. Because I guarantee if you go to that site and try to express a more moderate view for atheist. You'll be listed as a fundie too. And if you like all of what you read here, as some demented minds will do, here's one last pic for your viewing pleasure.


At least here they are admitting where there ideas originate from. Nazis.

Issac #fundie yecheadquarters.org


This is a bumper sticker sold by evolutionists, for theistic evolutionists. Notice the words: "I believe". I believe = having faith. For when something has been proven, belief (to believe) is not needed. So this bumper sticker actually admits to evolution requiring faith. And since evolutionists sell it, they admit to it as well. Evolutionists claim that religion and evolution is a oxymoron. But they just keep making that religious connection.

Side note: Time Magazine (sept. 2006 issue) recently did a special article on our origins (cosmic evolution). The name of that article was: "Let there be light". I wonder why a non-religious, government funded, organization. Would use a religious quote right from a religious book? Regardless of how much they deny it, it's looking more and more like a religion.

Issac #fundie yecheadquarters.org


And this picture above, is what gave Hitler his idea of some humans not being fully human. But degrees, in the process of evolution, from ape to man. Which also gave him the idea that humans he considered partly animal, should be separated, and exterminated. Also, the finished product (white man in the picture), was what Hitler considered to be his goal. So if you are dark skin, you are considered less than human. Or as Darwin would put it: The salvage race.

Issac #fundie yecheadquarters.org


You can buy these sayings on shirts, hats, mouse pads, coffee mugs, etc... But you won't find any sayings against any other god except the Christian God. Every Christian hate site and forum will try and claim to be not bias towards any faith in their hate. But everytime, the sites are full of how to Hate Christians 90% plus. And anything else is 10% or less. Which means they are actually admitting to who the real God is, for expressing the most hate for The Christian God.

FSTDT.com is no different. Their owner tried to convince me that all groups are treated on a equal bases as far as being mocked, made fun of, etc... But even their ratio percent is the same as this site's ratio. And FSTDT.com is a lot more vulgar. Maybe this site needs to learn how to project it's hate better and can learn some things from FSTDT.com. Like how to get your members to express a hate so extreme that they would suggest killing people for what they believe.

Issac #fundie yecheadquarters.org

The numbers of religions that are teaming up with science all have some things in common.

1) They do not believe in the God of the Bible.

2) If they do believe in God, they have to renounce any part that conflicts with science and their theories.

3). They all have to accept evolution and not creation, or at least accept the time period science claims it took for everything to come into existence.

4) They cannot question science with their beliefs. But science can question their beliefs.

5) The religions that accept science usually have written in their belief that Christians are heretics and in some cases are to be killed. Science welcomes these religions with open arms.

Issac #fundie yecheadquarters.org


Still don't think evolution is racist? Here we have a drawing of our origins coming from Africa (the new repackaged evolution idea). The arrows represent a evolution direction (like the evolution tree). Now look who is at the bottom. Now look who is at the top. So why do we come from Africa? Because that's where the sub-human black people live. No matter how evolutionists try and repackage their theory. It will always be a racist theory because the person who thought it up was a racist. And is also the reason why the people in Sudan are being exterminated, and no evolutionist even lifts a finger to help. In their book, extermination=survival of the fittest.

Issac #fundie yecheadquarters.org


Yep, even while they make fun of us, the truth comes out about them. So here we have a site that is mainly full of evolutionists. And the site is mainly geared to make fun of creationist. And just like anyone else who attacks Christians are considered satanic. Now we have confirmation that evolution itself is satanic. Why else would they post a pic like this on a site where 99% of them believe evolution?

Issac #fundie yecheadquarters.org

A list of the most common evolution and old earth lies:

1) No one has ever been killed in the evolution's name, and Hitler was not connected to it.
2) Darwin was not racist, and he did not recant evolution on his death bed.
3) Evolution is not connected to communism, and Haeckel never lied.
4) Evolution was never about putting black people into a sub-human category.
5) No one has ever falsified evidence in evolution's name.
6) The Stanley Miller experiment did not have any problems.
7) Human experiments were never used to try and prove evolution.
8) Polar flips are a absolute.
etc... etc...

Bring up any of these subjects as errors, and your job, or grade, is in danger. So does any of this have anything to do with religion? Nope, just errors that evolutionists are unwilling to admit. And are more willing to destroy someones life that may try and expose any of the errors. So according to evolutionists, it is better to teach lies than it is to correct them. For there is no excuse for teaching lies that are over 100 years old.

Off subject Side note: A friend of mine was applying for a manager job for one of the biggest pizza delivery companies in America. He was not shy about letting someone know he was a Christian, but he was not one to bug someone with his faith. The person doing the interview, a area supervisor, told him that if she hired him. That if he ever mentioned God to her, or if she had a complaint about this from someone else. Or if he brought this up to her because of her life style, on the clock or off. She would make sure he was fired. And she would black ball him from ever getting another Job in a management position for another company. And that the terms of being hired by her is that he would have to agree with that. She did not believe in God, which means she believed in the alternative (evolution). Do you see how the theory demands total dominance and thought control? Free thinking? I don't think so.

Ikester7579 #fundie yecheadquarters.org

Several blogs, forums, and even some websites. Have posted that the owner of this forum is paranoid. Being the owner, I have to laugh at that comment. They don't want to own up to what they do, and really don't know what to say when someone exposes what they do. People are learning what trolls, evolutionist, atheist etc.... are up to by reading what is here.

But let's reverse the paranoid comment to apply to who is really paranoid.

1) Evolutionist put up several websites and forums to knock down what they believe does not exist (I know, it sounds like a broken record. But it always points to this).

2) They make lists, to inform everyone of questions on how to combat the evil creationist . They say we are retarded, and they have to do all this to fight retards?

3) Then they are on forums just about every night trying to combat, and debate, what they say does not exist. Arguing with people they deem as retards?

4) Then they defend what they believe, even though there are those who will call it fact, truth, and proven. But yet the need to prove it every night, has to be done?

I could list several more. But it's a waste of time. For a forum will take this and come up with more lame excuse answers to why all this is done to prove so called retards wrong. With all the trouble they go to, to search everything out about creation to prove it wrong. I would have to say, they are more paranoid than the creationist are.

Were not the one's who come up with lame excuse answers to cover up what really can't be answered.

Issac #fundie yecheadquarters.org

[More hate aimed at Yahweh and Fstdt.]

FSTDT.com is no different. Their owner tried to convince me that all groups are treated on a equal bases as far as being mocked, made fun of, etc... But even their ratio percent is the same as this site's ratio. And FSTDT.com is a lot more vulgar. Maybe this site needs to learn how to project it's hate better and can learn some things from FSTDT.com. Like how to get your members to express a hate so extreme that they would suggest killing people for what they believe.

Issac #fundie yecheadquarters.org

[On atheist websites]

Well that's about all the hate I can stand to deal with. I actually feel numb after doing this section of my site. And also saddened because of how all these people think exactly the same. What do all these sites have in common?

1) They all are fighting what they claim does not exist.
2) 95% of them imply such extreme hate for all Christians that refuse to think like them, they either "imply" to kill them, or actually come out and say it.
3) Over 90% of their sites and forums are dedicated to this cause of fighting things they cannot see (spooky).
4) They believe cussing makes you a more manly person, even though some of them are girly men (as Arnold S. would call them).
5) They all claim they are the smartest in the world, and anyone who can't see this are stupid.
6) They call themselves free-thinkers. But only if you think as they do.
7) They all claim there is no God because evolution proves it. But yet science itself cannot prove God either way. So some how they have a special knowledge that goes beyond science (sounds like foil cap time).
8) They claim that the Christian past is the only past that has death and murder in it. When their past of what they believe connects to certain types like Hitler.
9) They all put up special sections on their websites and forums showing how every can join them in their fight against something they cannot see, and claim does not exist. So I wonder, do they spend their time thinking about how to fight thin air?
10) All of the websites promote degrading of anyone who would dare think differently they they do. Having to resort to this shows how weak their argument really is.
11) They all say that Christians are all liars, and what they believe are myths. As if they have cornered the idea of what truth is. As if a lie is only something they disagree with. And truth is what they agree with.
12) They all mock God through words, or graphics.
13) They all have some sort of plans of attack on the Christian faith.
14) They all mis-quote past history in one form or another. And call you a liar if you point it out.
15) etc... (never ending).

So let us deal with the most common claim that they all make: There is no God.

No God, and no creation means we have no soul to be saved. Evolution denies the soul of man because evolution cannot answer the question: In the evolution process, when did man receive a soul that needed to be saved? So those of you that believe one can coexist with the other are actually believing in a oxymoron. Which makes your faith an oxymoron. So you are either a theist, atheist, or agnostic. A theistic evolutionist does not apply, it is only a justification for not wanting to believe God fully, but make everyone think that you do. Is God a fool? I think not, and that will be made clear one day.

Issac #fundie yecheadquarters.org

Why do we have wisdom teeth? Wisdom teeth are a throw back from the giants that used to exist in Biblical times.
Genesis 6:4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

These giants also had double row teeth. And is why some are still born with double row teeth.

Giants had bigger jaw bones, which means they held more teeth. We have smaller jaw bones which means these extra teeth have to come in as wisdom teeth. Also, this would explain why wisdom teeth come in, in later years. For even the giants jaw, as children, was not big enough yet to take them. So coming in the later years (teen to adult years) was encoded into the DNA instead of coming in when all the other teeth did. Which would have caused problems for children and many would have died from infections of the abscessed wisdom teeth in times when medical help was not available. The videos below are on giants.

Issac #fundie yecheadquarters.org

LOL, kill you? This is a new wave of hate where reverse psychology is being used. Act as if the Christians do all the killing so that enough hate can be warranted to kill them instead. People like this would like to bring Hitler and the holocaust back to rid the world of all the weak and feable minded Christians, or anyone who will not conform to their views. Well dude, the only thing I have to say is that if you don't like Christians, and would like to rid the world of this problem like every other Christian hater like yourself. Follow both Darwin's and Hitler's idea of how it can be done.


Yes, they both believed in extermination. Follow your mentors. The both used Evolution as their motivation and excuse for using the word exterminate.

Y.E.C. Headquarters #fundie yecheadquarters.org

A test for a man's soul?

Science cannot prove God either way. But can science prove the existence of a soul? This is where the subject of a life force (soul) comes in. If all that were to life was dead matter that is now living. Fixing what is wrong with that matter to sustain life would be much easier. But yet everyday in the medical field the unexplained happens.

People die, who should have lived. And people live, who should have died. The only explanation medical science has for this is one person's will to live was greater then the others. To come to this conclusion, you would also have to say that anyone who wants to live forever could do just that. But that is not what we see is it?

So we could conclude that when this life force leaves the living matter body, it turns back into dead matter and cannot be revived. Because matter can be repaired. Making the soul return to the body so that life can be sustained, is not obtainable. Therefore medical science will always have a problem explaining how some people died, and some people lived. But, is there evidence that a soul actually exists?

There were some tests conducted on terminal patients to see if the soul actually has weight that could be recorded at the exact time of death (if there was a soul that left, and had measurable weight). Doing this test, they found some interesting stuff. Regardless of how big or small the person was that died, the weight loss was always the same: 3/4 of an once. And it was always recorded right at the instant the person ceased to show any life signs.

Issac #fundie yecheadquarters.org

Science says we have different skin colors because that was our skin adapting to our environment. Africans are dark because they lived in a hot sunny climate. Sounds feasible. But Eskimos are dark skinned also. And they live in a cold climate. So adaptation does not explain this. So does the Bible explain this? Yes it does.

When God separated the people at the tower of Babel for their ignorance of wanting to challenge him. I believe he separated them according to kind (color or race). We all had one language, so he separated them by mixing up their language. So the different kinds went and lived in different places because they could not communicate with one another (each race) anymore. We all may have different accents to our languages. But when it comes to races, we have all different languages. Some may have to go back where they come from to find this. But it all traces back to the tower of Babel. So it has nothing to do with adaptation for the reason that different races live in different places around the world and have different skin colors.

When we understand how God did things, it makes us better understand the reason for why things are the way they are. And when we accept God's word for what it is, it all becomes clear.

Issac #fundie yecheadquarters.org

Does the human heart prove evolution wrong?

Recent medical findings have found that the human heart plays several roles with how we actually feel and think. In fact, the human heart is the only organ that can communicate with the brain in 4 different ways:

1) Neurological communication (nervous system)
2) Biophysical communication (pulse wave)
3) Biochemical communication (hormones)
4) Energetic communication (electromagnetic fields)

This would explain why our heart hurts when we lose some one near and dear to us. And it is now believed that one of the functions of the heart deals with our emotions and attitude. But because heart transplants have become more of the norm for a failing heart. Another unexpected side effect has come up. The people who received the donor heart can often experience:

1) The other person's memories.
2) The other person's food cravings.
3) Some of the other person's attitudes.
4) And some of the fears, hates, and loves of different things.

As the video below will show as several heart transplant people tell their stories.

This would explain why Christ resides in a person's heart when they are saved. It also explains why God said that he hardened Pharaoh's heart towards Moses instead of changing his mind. God knew, even before medical science, that emotion of love and hate reside in the heart and not in our minds. If you would like to do more study on this new area of research. Google these words: Heart brain, Heart brain connection, Heart math , Heart transplant memories. Those who would like to do a Biblical research, just use a Bible search engine and search for the word heart. You will see the word of God start to make sense in this area, when before this information came out, it did not.

Issac #fundie yecheadquarters.org

[Following a list of Nobel Peace Prize recipients, including Albert Einstein.]

So if Hitler would have had his way, none of these people could have contributed to science in this manner. So now this is repeating itself through a religious bigotry to stop Christians from being in science today (just like Hitler trying to separate race). So I say: Let's remove all the contributions both Christians and the Jews have made. And lets see if science can stand without us, and our findings. Don't think that would be much? NASA, and everything they do today would not exist. In fact we would still be in the dark ages as far as science is concerned. And we would more than likely be a third world nation under the control of a dictatorship.

Issac #fundie yecheadquarters.org

This is also why you see Christian missionaries helping people like this. But name a group of evolutionists that is willing to feed and help those in Sudan? Can't find one can you? They cannot do this if they truly believe evolution. Because these people are dying because they are not the fittest, and therefore cannot be naturally selected to survive. When in actuality, they die because those who believe evolution are to afraid to help. Afraid of what their peers might say, and that they may be catagorized along with Christians for even caring about what is considered a lower race. You won't see a subject like this even come up anywhere where evolutionists are gathered. In fact I can list comments from their forums where they actually poke fun at Christians for even going to the trouble of trying to help anyone who suffers like this. They make fun of the money we raise to help these people in their troubling times. Because they believe that this money should be spent on better things, like expeditions to find supposed new evidence to prove evolution. The theory in itself has become more sacret than human life. If not, then where is the help from evolutionists for Sudan?

Issac #fundie yecheadquarters.org


And here we have the real agenda for the our kids that the evolutionists-atheist are promoting. And it goes together with the picture before this as well. Burn in hell kids, hell was only made for you (evolutionists agenda). Because make a child lose their faith in God, then what is said above becomes true.

Why do evolutionists hate Hovind so? He speaks his mind, and holds no punches. Such as in the example shown here: Kent Hovind flash video. (did Hovind say anything in that video clip to warrant death?) If evolution is no more than a theory, why are evolutionists taking it so seriously they are willing to inflict harm, and wish someone dead over it? It is because it has gone beyond a theory, and has become personal (and this is what I am exposing here). Which is not scientific. And because it has become personal, they will do what ever it takes to defend the honor of it, and all that is involved with it. As you will read on the next few pages.

Issac #fundie yecheadquarters.org

[Title of the link: "Evolution kicks God out of schools, killing rises 1000%."]

Kip Kinkle is the third on the list, in the pic above this one. He even tried to kill the detective that interviewed him.

All these shootings have some things in common:

1) Evolution was taught in every secular school this happened at. You don't see this happening at Christian schools where creation is being taught.

2) The Ten commandments were removed from every secular school. You don't see this happening at Christian schools, where the Ten Commandments still hangs on the wall.

3) There is no moral values about right and wrong being taught at the schools. Christain schools are based on this teaching.

4) Secular schools have books on cults available in their libarary to any student that wants to read it. Christian schools don't have this option.


No moral code, and no God. Produces kids that become adults, that do things in rebellion against society, and their selfs. And some of these things are not reversable, and will leave scars. Scars physically, and mentally.

Issac #fundie yecheadquarters.org

So what is evolutionists explanation for things they cannot explain? Make jokes about it, like the comic below:


Science 101 at it's best. For when they do not have an answer, make a joke about what they know was created, and who created it. It makes real good evidence for their theory. Putting God into the picture above is an actual admission that there is a God. And also goes along with this verse:

rom 1:28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

So they waste their time puttting up websites to make even more jokes. The search engines searches below prove that the battle for so called truth has nothing with truth. But the removal of God. For you will find that the same people who call creationist stupid to make their theories look better. Also say the same about anyone who believes in God. So the arguments are not of a scientific nature, they are of a bias racist nature that seeks to force, and control the thoughts of everyone through the peer pressure of being categorized with a group they deem as stupid, ignorant, uneducated, weak, fundies (fundamentalists), etc... Which by the way is a Hitler tactic.

Issac #fundie yecheadquarters.org

OECs agree with science that the earth is old because of how far the stars are away from our planet, and how long it takes for light to travel that far. I can see were someone can be confused on this. But actually it very simple. When God created, he created the light before he created the object that produced the light.

Issac #fundie yecheadquarters.org


And this is what they think of you if you do not conform to their view. I have actually been called this by them, on more than one occasion. So if you believe Jesus, you are:

1) Narrow-Minded. Just because you won't conform to their views.
2) Bigoted. Just because you won't conform to their views.
3) Asshole. Just because you won't conform to their views.

Issac #fundie yecheadquarters.org

So Richard, thanks for the extreme hate example for all top scientists. Reference: http://richarddawkins.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=554

If they act like most atheist do, they will delete the thread just because I exposed it. We will have to wait and see.

Richard Dawkins claims that Christians are a virus. Guess the evolutionists better exterminate the virus (like Darwin suggested, and Hitler applied). Here's a little comic joke about how evolution believing doctors will treat Christians:


So if your a Christian, you might want to think twice about going to a doctor who believes in evolution. He may use you as an example to try and prove evolution. And make you suffer for the rest of your life because of his hate for you. I found this comic on several Christian hating evolution websites. And don't think this has not given evolutionist believing doctors ideas on how to treat Christians they hate.

Issac #fundie yecheadquarters.org

Nerves can grow about an inch per month, but their path is not guided. Anyone who has had severe nerve damage knows this. Example: When I was about 6 years old, my sister, who was around 10, was leaning up against a glass door which suddenly broke. The glass severed all her nerves in her wrist. They grew back. But she has places in her hand that still have no feeling. She is now 46 years old. If evolution and natural selection were so easy to happen, my sister's nerves would have all grown back perfectly. The DNA code was still there to go by on where everything was to go. But it did not, and she is left with a hand that does not completely work right. You can't tell by looking at it, but she is reminded everytime she goes to use it.

So as you look at each part of the brain, see if you can determine the order of evolution that would work for both the organs it controls, and how the brain would have had to evolve to control them. You will soon start to see that a quick creation, by a creator, would be the only way it would work.

Issac #fundie yecheadquarters.org

[An attempt to disprove environmental adaptation]

Ever needed an extra hand to do something? Like if you were fixing something and you needed and extra hand and arm to hold the light so you could see. Grow an extra arm then. Sounds funny don't it? But several times a year we are reminded that if we had an extra arm in some cases it would help. But through all these years we have not grown one. But if evolution, adaptation, and natural selection were the norm. Each person on this earth would be different in this manner to adapting to their environment. But we are not. We all have 2 legs and arms, one head and one brain, ten toes and ten fingers, etc... And we all live in different environments but we are all basically the same. The human race is the perfect example of non-adaptation. We live in different environments, but we are basically the same.

Issac #fundie yecheadquarters.org


They will even go as far as to trade God's word for p*rnography. Yep, I do believe that evolutionist-atheist are doing the work of Satan. To put God's word on the same level as smut. But even Hitler did something simular. He had groups of people who were considered tops of their race. Perfect condition, etc... They would have s*xual org*es. In the attempt to make the super race of humans. So do evolutionist-atheist deem themselves as the super race? It would seem so or they would have no problems with what other people think and believe.

Issac #fundie yecheadquarters.org

Enough is Enough!

Well that's about all the hate I can stand to deal with. I actually feel numb after doing this section of my site. And also saddened because of how all these people think exactly the same. What do all these sites have in common? [Sites similar to Fstdt.]

1) They all are fighting what they claim does not exist.
2) 95% of them imply such extreme hate for all Christians that refuse to think like them, they either "imply" to kill them, or actually come out and say it.
3) Over 90% of their sites and forums are dedicated to this cause of fighting things they cannot see (spooky).
4) They believe cussing makes you a more manly person, even though some of them are girly men (as Arnold S. would call them).
5) They all claim they are the smartest in the world, and anyone who can't see this are stupid.
6) They call themselves free-thinkers. But only if you think as they do.
7) They all claim there is no God because evolution proves it. But yet science itself cannot prove God either way. So some how they have a special knowledge that goes beyond science (sounds like foil cap time).
8) They claim that the Christian past is the only past that has death and murder in it. When their past of what they believe connects to certain types like Hitler.
9) They all put up special sections on their websites and forums showing how every can join them in their fight against something they cannot see, and claim does not exist. So I wonder, do they spend their time thinking about how to fight thin air?
10) All of the websites promote degrading of anyone who would dare think differently they they do. Having to resort to this shows how weak their argument really is.
11) They all say that Christians are all liars, and what they believe are myths. As if they have cornered the idea of what truth is. As if a lie is only something they disagree with. And truth is what they agree with.
12) They all mock God through words, or graphics.
13) They all have some sort of plans of attack on the Christian faith.
14) They all mis-quote past history in one form or another. And call you a liar if you point it out.
15) etc... (never ending).

Issac #fundie yecheadquarters.org

Now there is a new special hate brewing on the horizon. It is a hate for anyone who would choose to believe the Christian God on a "literal" bases. Web sites go up that promote such hate, as read in previous pages in this section, that killing Christians is becoming common talk. The hate shown on the websites is the exact hate the anti-Christ will need to be able to rule during those 7 years. The war on taking the word of God literally is heating up as atheist and evolutionists try to weaken the Christian faith by luring Christians into a false security of how to believe the word of God. As if they have gone to some type of Bible college and are educated enough in those areas to be able to dictate such things (Have any doctrine or masters degrees on this evolutionists?). And yet if a Christian tries to say something about evolution, they will claim that you don't have enough education, and are ignorant. And we are labelled as fundamentalists. Even though we had evolution crammed down our throat (sound familiar evolutionists?) in high school for several years. So in actuallity, we have more education in evolution then most of them have about biblical things. But yet they claim to be the foremost authority on it, as they tell us what is acceptable to God. What a joke.

Issac #fundie yecheadquarters.org

No clear atmosphere means no life. Science would have us believe that life is adaptable to whatever atmosphere is around it. For evolution to work, this would have to be so. But if life possibilities were so easy, then there should be at least one planet that has life besides ours. But no life is what we find. But science is so bent on proving God and creation wrong, they will spend billions of dollars to go to other planets. But won't spend a dime to bring down Noah's ark so it can be examined. Is science afraid of truth, or are they afraid of God? I think they are more afraid of having to admit they were wrong. Think about it. All that has been invested in theories, time, etc... To admit they were wrong would be such a major blow, I doubt science could ever regain their credibility back.

So to keep creation at bay. They have to attack it's information at it's source. The person who either figured it out, or found evidence against their views. Type in any well known creationist name into a search engine and see for yourself. If you need an example name, just type in Kent Hovind. He is the most hated creationist by atheist known to man. Their lies have even branched over to the christian sites. So don't be surprised if you find some christian sites that agree with the atheist ones.

Issac #fundie yecheadquarters.org

In creation, the power of God to create has always been an argument atheist-evolutionist can't win. So they will revert to making pics and cartoons mocking this power.

This site (fstdt) also promotes A-hole of the week award: http://www.fstdt.com/comments.asp?id=18932 Come and read how all Christians are A-holes. And we get entered in a A-hole competition just for being a Christian. I paste some comments here because they love to move stuff when linked to.

They pull these comments from other sites so they can mock, ridicule, and make fun of. Here are some of the responses:

My comments are in blue.

1) Yes. Forced sexual slavery is going to do a lot to reduce unwanted pregnancies and strengthen society. (Hitler thought the same thing)
2) Pimping for Jesus? (yep, can't reisit the trashing of Christ)
3) "Hell, if she is too stupid to keep a job, pimp her out to raise money for the kid." That took it to new levels of funditude. (His version of what true love is.)
4) I broke three retard-o-meters on this one. (Christians are retarded too is what he is saying)
5) Another anti-abortio activist whose true colors are revealed: he does not give a shit about the child, he just wants to punnish the woman for having sex. What true Christian would want a child to be raised by a woman forced into prostition? (Have anymore wise words for us?)
6) "No reason the taxpayer should pay for someone else's irresponsibilities." Which is exactly why abortion is a much better option than adoption. (kill the unwanted babies. Hitler did this as well.)
7) As well as we pay for all the parasites who preach you to go to Hell if you don´t accept Jesus or young boys dying in Iraq for somebody else´s responsibility. AND THAT INCLUDES THE IRRESPONSABILITY OF THE MAN, YOU KNOW. (we are parasites too. Break out the raid and start exterminating like Hitler wanted)
8) So, you're against abortion, but you're OK with forced prostitution. That makes you Asshole of the Week. Congrats! And, you can come back next week to defend your title. (Is that the top title?, or is there an evolution process?)
9) Die. Slowly. And in an excruciatingly painful way. (and of course you can't have a conversation without a reference to killing someone that does not agree you. Which happens to be all Christians. I wonder if they will name the new Christian death camps after that website?)

And the comment that gets my award for summing this all up:

10) Fundies: We don't give a shit about other people's lives.

And the comment I found on another page on that site that supports exactly what this whole section is about:

Are you kidding? I mean once in awhile, maybe. But do you know how time-consuming all this killing can be?