So let us deal with the most common claim that they all make: There is no God.
No God, and no creation means we have no soul to be saved. Evolution denies the soul of man because evolution cannot answer the question: In the evolution process, when did man receive a soul that needed to be saved? So those of you that believe one can coexist with the other are actually believing in a oxymoron. Which makes your faith an oxymoron. So you are either a theist, atheist, or agnostic. A theistic evolutionist does not apply, it is only a justification for not wanting to believe God fully, but make everyone think that you do. Is God a fool? I think not, and that will be made clear one day.
A test for a man's soul?
Science cannot prove God either way. But can science prove the existence of a soul? This is where the subject of a life force (soul) comes in. If all that were to life was dead matter that is now living. Fixing what is wrong with that matter to sustain life would be much easier. But yet everyday in the medical field the unexplained happens.
People die, who should have lived. And people live, who should have died. The only explanation medical science has for this is one person's will to live was greater then the others. To come to this conclusion, you would also have to say that anyone who wants to live forever could do just that. But that is not what we see is it?
So we could conclude that when this life force leaves the living matter body, it turns back into dead matter and cannot be revived. Because matter can be repaired. Making the soul return to the body so that life can be sustained, is not obtainable. Therefore medical science will always have a problem explaining how some people died, and some people lived. But, is there evidence that a soul actually exists?
There were some tests conducted on terminal patients to see if the soul actually has weight that could be recorded at the exact time of death (if there was a soul that left, and had measurable weight). Doing this test, they found some interesting stuff. Regardless of how big or small the person was that died, the weight loss was always the same: 3/4 of an once. And it was always recorded right at the instant the person ceased to show any life signs.
Further tests were frowned upon because it was raising some eye-brows on being in-humane, even though consent was obtained from each person to do this.
They even did some tests on some dogs to see if all life had this same weight loss upon time of death. The dogs did not experience any weight loss at the time of death. And the bible never says that animals have a soul. Or that a soul was breathed into them. Humans having a soul means that the soul has to go some where when we die. This is the part that atheist do not like to hear. And because evolution denies the existence of a soul, they will hate anything that either condirms there is a soul. Or even says there is a soul.